Affirming the Use of Indigenous Knowledge to Meet Curricula and Assessment Requirements in American Indian and Alaska Native Head Start Programs
Log Number: ACF-OHS-IM-24-03 | Issuance Date: 09-17-2024
These resources are relevant to Head Start programs operated by federally recognized American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) tribes or consortia of tribes. AIAN programs make up Region XI in the Head Start Office of Regional Operations.
Also check out our tribal language resources.
Log Number: ACF-OHS-IM-24-03 | Issuance Date: 09-17-2024
In this webinar, learn about the new Head Start eligibility criteria for children in tribal programs. Head Start leaders discuss how the provisions impact American Indian and Alaska Native Head Start programs.
The Tribal Colleges and Universities Head Start (TCU-HS) Partnership Program ensures and increases the number of qualified education staff working in American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) Head Start and Early Head Start programs within tribal nations.
Log Number: ACF-OHS-PI-24-03 | Issuance Date: 05/13/2024
ACF's Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Jeff Hild addresses changes to the eligibility criteria for American Indian and Alaska Native Head Start programs.
Learn about the experiences of Indigenous people and how to make substance use recovery support more responsive. Find out how Head Start programs can create a culture of health and well-being for staff and families.
New funding for the Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCU)-Head Start Partnership Program will result in more than 700 tribal educators graduating with a degree in early childhood by 2028.
Tribal Consultation reports reflect comments and recommendations raised by tribal leaders and their representatives; comments and responses from OHS; and areas identified at the Tribal Consultations as requiring follow up by OHS.
Tribes coordinate service delivery with other early childhood programs as required in their Child Care and Development Fund plans. Use this chart to compare tribal child care and Head Start programs.
Learn how to train staff to implement the Making It Work (MIW) process and use the American Indian and Alaska Native-focused in-service suites in this work. Hear successful implementation stories from the field.