Addressing Barriers that Limit Attendance
Many programs may face low family attendance at group socializations for a variety of reasons. Find out ways programs can meet this challenge and address low family attendance.
Many programs may face low family attendance at group socializations for a variety of reasons. Find out ways programs can meet this challenge and address low family attendance.
Home visits are the main vehicle to deliver comprehensive services to young children and families. Explore how twice-monthly group socializations are also an important and required part of home-based services.
Learn about the pivotal role supervisors play in a Head Start or Early Head Start program with a home-based option. Explore ways they enhance the quality of home visiting and group socialization services.
Discover how home visiting sets the stage for close, trusting relationships and why it is a critical element in any program designed to support families' and children's development.
Find out how programs can offer comprehensive services for children and families, and how these services can enhance children's physical, social, emotional, and intellectual development.
Learn how the Head Start Program Performance Standards (HSPPS) describe the general requirements of the home-based option.
Find ways supervisors support home visitors through challenging situations. Learn how they help manage relationships and promote positive outcomes for children and families.
Find ways to develop and strengthen home visitors’ knowledge and skills. Learn how supervisors can use formal learning experiences, coaching, supervision, case management, and observations to support home visitors.
It is key for home visitors to feel safe and know how to maintain personal safety. Learn how to help create an emotionally safe environment for both home visitors and families.
Learn more about home-based staff qualifications and how programs ensure that each staff member, consultant, and contractor has the qualifications and competencies to provide high-quality services.