Head Start Timeline
Delve into key moments in Head Start history! Explore the timeline below to access archival photographs, video, resources, and more.
Delve into key moments in Head Start history! Explore the timeline below to access archival photographs, video, resources, and more.
Find out how you can provide feedback and suggestions to the Office of Head Start through the Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC) website.
A tribal request for information was recently published in the Federal Register. It asks for public comment on whether existing rules, regulations, and available TTA are optimal for tribal Head Start programs.
Use this toolkit to encourage Head Start staff to share what they love about their role and what they are doing with their children and families for Valentine’s Day. Tag @headstartgov in social media posts.
Learn how you can customize ECLKC webpages to print or create PDF files for sharing.
Recently, $2.1 million was awarded to fund the Affordable Housing and Social Services Demonstration program, aimed at strengthening wraparound and supportive services available to residents in affordable housing.
The Administration for Children and Families, partnering with the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), announces certain “Title IV-B” child welfare services have been integrated to improve effectiveness.
Meet the fellows chosen for the 2023–2024 National Head Start Fellowship Program as they embark on their yearlong journey at Administration for Children and Families headquarters.
The Administration for Children and Families released nearly $3.7 billion in Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) funding to help households with their home energy costs.
New funding for the Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCU)-Head Start Partnership Program will result in more than 700 tribal educators graduating with a degree in early childhood by 2028.