Effective engagement of fathers requires staff to demonstrate genuine curiosity and respect for their unique strengths, talents, cultures, goals, and circumstances. A trusting relationship is the foundation for partnerships where staff and fathers work together. Successful partnerships can lead to positive, long-lasting outcomes for children, fathers, and families.
Explore this practical guide to learn how program staff build strong, meaningful, and authentic relationships with fathers in Head Start and Early Head Start programs. These relationships are the foundation of family partnerships that influence outcomes for children, families, and fathers. Find strategies early childhood leaders can apply right away. Review ideas for practice and reflection.
This guide is designed for all Head Start staff who interact with fathers, from program leaders and managers to direct service staff, such as family service workers, fatherhood coordinators, teachers, home visitors, health staff, and transportation providers. It is also useful for parent leaders, community partners, and training and technical assistance (TTA) specialists.
Topics to explore include:
- Introduction
- Strategies for Program Leaders to Support Father Engagement
- Professional Development Strategies That Promote Father Engagement
- Strategies to Use Father-Focused Data for Continuous Learning and Quality Improvement
- Creating Father-Friendly Environments in Early Childhood Programs
- Strategies to Build Partnerships with Fathers
- Program Strategies to Promote Father Engagement in Their Children’s Teaching and Learning
- Program Strategies to Maximize Fathers’ Connections with Community Partners
- Program Strategies to Provide Access and Continuity of Services to Fathers
Last Updated: June 8, 2022