Head Start staff can use these resources to learn more about the connection between health and school readiness and to ensure every Head Start child is ready to succeed in school.
Healthy Children Are Ready to Learn
School readiness begins with health. Use this resource to learn more about the connection between health and school readiness. Learn about the importance of identifying and treating specific health conditions that impact learning.
Health Strategies to Support School Readiness
The Head Start approach to school readiness means that children are ready for school, families are ready to support their children’s learning, and schools are ready for children. Explore the nine strategies that support the connection between health and learning described in Healthy Children Ready to Learn.
Health Services to Promote Attendance
Good attendance leads to lifelong learning and positive habits. Use this resource to learn how to identify health-related causes for children’s absences and then build systems that improve attendance.
When Health Affects Assessment
Teachers use assessments to get a clear picture of a child's development, but health concerns may affect a child's performance. Use this resource to consider children’s health status when planning and analyzing the results of program assessments.
Healthy Transitions to Kindergarten
Head Start health services staff support kindergarten readiness by having conversations with families before they leave Head Start. In this tip sheet, find questions to engage families and suggested actions health services staff may take to help children make a healthy transition.
Last Updated: May 21, 2024