These Learning Trajectories [LT]2 videos feature teachers working with children to help them learn early number skills. Discover how these teachers encourage early number development with the children in their programs. Each video also illustrates an identified Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework goal.
Math Learning Trajectories Video: Early Number, Birth to 9 Months
Math Learning Trajectories Video: Early Number, Birth to 9 Months
Woman: Clapping the circle nesting cup. Clap, clap, clap. Yeah. And you have the...rectangle mirror with the birdies. Ooh, where's where did their happy face go? Uh-oh. You put them in the pot. Circle pot. Now what? Ooh. Does it turn? Now what? Ooh! Two? You have two circle nesting cups, Melody. Purple and yellow. [ Gasps ]
Do you have two? Circle dots. And stripes. And there's circle dots, like on your shirt. Yeah. She has circle dots. Polka dots. And Emily has stripes. Pink stripes. Ooh, are you gonna play the drums on the pot? You like that blue pot? Ooh. Where are your feet? Where did your feet go, Madison? Lookit. Where are your feet? Did you hide them inside the pot? Ooh.
[ Gasps ] Ooh! And push -- pushed it away. There you go. Good job.
Madison: [ Exclaims ]
Woman: Yeah? Yeah! Pretty cool. Good job playing the drums. It makes pretty music. Pretty music. Ooh. What side would you like? The big circle? No? Which side? Ooh. The small circles? Is and orange circles? Push it. Oh. Go, Melody! Are you making music with Maddy? Good job.
CloseIn this video, the infant on the blue pillow mouths and shakes the yellow cup, looks down and picks up a larger purple cup, and then stares at both cups. This behavior reflects Goal IT-C 8 for children birth to 9 months, who attend to quantity by reaching or looking for more than one object.
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Resource Type: Article
National Centers: Early Childhood Development, Teaching and Learning
Last Updated: February 22, 2019