School Readiness

Professional Development

PFCE Framework NavigationProgram Leadership Professional Development Continuous Learning and Quality Improvement Program Environment Family Partnerships Teaching and Learning Community Partnerships Access and Continuity Family Well-Being Positive Parent-Child Relationships Families as Lifelong Educators Families as Learners Family Engagement In Transitions Family Connections to Peers and Community Families as Advocates and Leaders Child Outcomes Positive and Goal Oriented Relationships Equity, Inclusiveness, and Cultural and Linguistic Responsiveness

PFCE professional development is important for all staff, regardless of their role. Professional development plans can be aligned with both continuous learning and improvement data, as well as family and community feedback. These plans include training, ongoing supports (e.g., coaching, supervision, recognition of challenges and successes), and information about career options.

When staff members come together as a community, they create a mutually supportive environment for continuous learning and improvement. Families, other community members, and staff can co-design and -lead trainings to strengthen family and community partnerships.

Key Resources