Journeys of Hope and Courage: Module 8 – Program Changes
Jornadas de esperanza y valor: Módulo 8 – Cambios del programa
Eileen: Once you begin to set up an environment where people are safe to express what is their truth and you can move to honor that in some way, setting up systems, programs, redefining what it is you are going to do in your work environment to meet these needs, that are more authentic, you will find the difference across the board. Your programming will change to some degree, perhaps. What you will seek to acquire, in terms of facilities or equipment, may change as well. Your documentation will change. Primarily, your relationship with families will change. You will empower them. If you ask a family about their needs and you are using a laundry list of items, and you are getting only surface information back from them, you can rest assured that they are not going to feel, “this is a place where I can speak the truth, be heard, and we can work together to do something about what's happening in my life, in the community at large.”
It's my hope that a lot of the material that was developed just in migration stories can be used to make a difference in the greater community, so the people begin to recognize the commonality and can look with great respect at people who work with such great grace and dignity.
Mirta: Esta es tu oportunidad dorada para establecer esta relación con la familia. Es el inicio de una relación que puede — traer muchos beneficios para esa familia, para el centro, para ti, en el aspecto personal, porque te va a hacer una mejor persona. Si tú reconoces que los valores de esa familia son importantes aunque que sean diferentes que los tuyos, tú eres una persona mejor. Y si tú le haces -- reflejas en los valores de esa familia y reconoces o los haces ver cuánto ellos tienen ellos mismos, el potencial que tienen para salir adelante, el potencial que ellos ya han demostrado. Esa es una oportunidad dorada.
CloseThe process of storytelling can help programs truly empower families. Hear from program staff about how storytelling has changed their Head Start/Early Head Start program for the better. Staff share how they hope this series of videos will help strengthen the work that providers do with migrant families.