Approaches to Learning: The Creative Curriculum® for Family Child Care, 3rd Edition fully promotes teaching practices, learning experiences, and developmentally appropriate content. Many of the curriculum's resources provide guidance and research-based teaching practices that are effective in supporting positive child outcomes (e.g., Book Discussion Cards, Intentional Teaching Cards). Volume 1: The Foundation promotes research-based teaching practices for planning of the day and environment, scaffolding, multi-domain learning, adjusting to the needs and abilities of children, and considerations for family and culture.
Social and Emotional Development: Volumes 1–3 offer support for social and emotional development for children ages birth to 12. The curriculum provides extensive strategies to support teachers toward building good relationships and supporting peers in play. It also highlights examples of positive role modeling and integration of social experiences into play scenarios (e.g., Book Discussion Cards, Intentional Teaching Cards). The curriculum provides guidance on observing and attending to children's interests and need as a key to responsive caregiving.
Responsive Relationships and Interactions: The Creative Curriculum® for Family Child Care, 3rd Edition fully promotes responsive relationships and interactions with children. Many of the curriculum's resources provide activities, supports, and learning objectives about being responsive to and having interactions with children. Intentional Teaching Cards, Volumes 1–3, and Book Discussion Cards include guidance and information on promoting relationships and interactions with children. The curriculum provides guidance on child behavior and promotes teacher flexibility.
Language and Communication: The curriculum supports children's language development and acquisition and communication. The publisher, Teaching Strategies, also provides suggested supplemental materials that can be purchased to support language and communication. Language and literacy are embedded throughout routines and experiences with guidance on the environment, working with families, and understanding key strategies in working with children who are DLLs (e.g., Volumes 1–3, Intentional Teaching Cards, Book Discussion Cards).
Literacy: The Creative Curriculum® for Family Child Care, 3rd Edition fully promotes literacy development with children. The curriculum provides specific guidance, activities, and learning objectives to support children's literacy development and exposure. Intentional Teaching Cards, Volumes 1–3, and Book Discussion Cards offer guidance on promoting literacy development, scaffolding, and literacy skills with children who are DLLs. Additionally, the curriculum also promotes reading to children as an important daily activity. Volume 1: The Foundation describes a literacy rich environment.
Mathematics Development: The curriculum promotes teaching practices, learning experiences, and developmentally appropriate content that support positive child outcomes for math development. Volume 3: Objectives for Development & Learning provides guidance on elements and terms for math learning. Mighty Minutes activity cards scaffold math learning with activities. Volume 1: The Foundation and Volume 2: Routines and Experiences embed math concepts into daily interactions across domains of learning.
Scientific Reasoning: The curriculum highlights research-based teaching practices that support positive child outcomes for scientific reasoning. Volume 1: The Foundation promotes observing and lesson planning based on inquiry and observation. Volume 2: Routines and Experiences provides guidance for learning indoors and outdoors. The curriculum also includes guidance for providers on extending learning and planning for adequate time into daily schedules to support learning goals for children.
Perceptual, Motor, and Physical Development: The Creative Curriculum® for Family Child Care, 3rd Edition promotes research-based teaching practices that support positive child outcomes for perceptual, motor, and physical development. It provides some perceptual development activities and Volume 1: The Foundation offers guidance on equipment and materials for large and small motor skill development. Hand-washing is embedded throughout the curriculum. The curriculum does not provide guidance on sensory processing in the environment.
Daily Routines as Opportunities for Learning: Many of the curriculum's resources provide guidance on promoting learning during daily routines. They also offer specific guidance on planning the day and week, including appropriate scheduling. Mighty Minutes provides quick activities throughout the day, particularly during transitions at the beginning and end of daily caregiving activities. Volume 1: The Foundations includes guidance on daily routines.
Play and Exploration: The curriculum provides guidance on creating an environment for specific experiences. It also offers suggestions to support children to use materials for open-ended exploration, curiosity, and creativity. Volume 1: The Foundation explains that the curriculum is play-based and how children learn through play. Volume 1 and Volume 2: Routines and Experiences include guidance for the provider to set up, organize, and implement a play-based environment of learning. Intentional Teaching Cards provide support and step-by-step sequences for providers to adapt activities for children at different developmental levels and ages. Additionally, the curriculum supports extended choice time to encourage children's individual interests and promotes discovery learning, referring to activity centers as "experience areas."