To support transparency in the competitive grants process, the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) does not respond directly to individual questions.
More FAQs about the grant application process and grant review process are available from the ACF Office of Grants Management.
Submit questions to the OHS Grant Review Operations Center at, or call (toll-free) 888-242-0684 weekdays between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. ET.
Find Available Funding Decide Whether to Apply Understand the Review Process Frequently Asked Questions
FAQs on Service Area Specific NOFOs
Note: NOFOs were previously called funding opportunity announcements (FOAs). Historic responses may reflect old terminology.
Oct. 2, 2019
See PDF version: Frequently Asked Questions (Oct. 2, 2019 Part 1)
Q: Where can we find exemplar applications that were previously awarded a Head Start grant to use as tools to guide the writing process?
A: Applications funded by federal grant programs are subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C. § 552. Such applications are frequently requested under the FOIA, consistent with the FOIA’s requirement to proactively disclose frequently requested materials at 5 U.S.C. § 552(a)(2)(D). Each released application will receive appropriate redaction of specific information to protect personal privacy and competitively sensitive commercial information. Information on filing a FOIA request is available at: Please note the name of the grantee organization must be included in a FOIA request.
Q: For applicants that have many staff members across multiple counties, is it necessary to list staff member name for every position (e.g., teachers, assistant teachers)? Or, is it acceptable to include the names of only key leadership team members and then list the rest of the staff members by position?
A: The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) does not provide direct guidance or instruction in the development of an applicant’s project design or in writing their applications. Applicants should use their best judgment in determining whether they are able to meet the requirements contained in the funding opportunity announcement (FOA), whether they are able to develop an application they believe to be responsive to the FOA and in designing and writing their applications. Applications will be reviewed and evaluated by objective review panels using the criteria described in Section V.1 of the FOA. The review panels will use the FOA as their principal guidance available to them in the same way that it is the principal guidance for applicants.
Q: Where can we find the number of students who are currently being served by the incumbent for our county?
A: You are encouraged to review all the grantee profiles and grantee inventories on the Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center website to review all publicly available information regarding the incumbent grantee’s funded enrollment. Information about the incumbent grantee for all available service areas should be posted by October 3rd. Applicants, based on their own community and family needs assessments should plan accordingly based on information provided.
Q: Will there be new funding released later this fall for new communities, similar to the RFP released last November?
A: When the Office of Head Start is ready to accept applications, OHS will issue an official notice known as a funding opportunity announcement (FOA), which will be available on which will contain more information on applicant eligibility and the service area. You are encouraged to sign up for email notifications regarding new grant opportunities. To do so, you may visit the Manage Subscriptions portion of, available at the following link:
Q: I understand that there are award ceilings and floors with the applications that we have to keep with. When we apply, are we supposed to apply for serving the children using the same cost per child ratio that was being followed by the previous grant award/grantee for that area? For example if the cost per child was around $11,000 previously but the model didn’t include full-day Head Start services along with transportation, could we apply for a Portion of the grant (still sticking with the ceilings and floors) and ask for more money per child for more comprehensive services.
A: Applicants are not required to maintain the cost per child ratio operated by the incumbent grantee. Rather, applicants should propose a budget that supports the identified need in the community, ages and number of children to be served and type of services proposed.
Q: Did you say that funding announcement awards would be in July 2020?
A: Per Section II. Federal Award Information, the anticipated project start date is 07/01/2020.
Q: If the funding opportunity has two (2) anticipated awards, would that be one for Head Start and one for Early Head Start, or would it be up to two for each?
A: Per Section II. Federal Award Information, Expected Number of Awards of the FOA," Please note that the expected number of awards represents an estimated range of awards that the Office of Head Start might make as the result of this funding opportunity announcement.”
Q: What if we do not see our service area and/or do not see any tribal for EHS/HS?
A: Please note per the Head Start Regulations, tribal grantees designated under the Designation Renewal System engage in a different process that does not require them to go immediately into competition in the year in which they were designated.
Q: If you apply for a portion of a grant, for instance 2 out of 5 available counties, how do you determine the application amount?
A: Applicants should use their best judgment in determining whether they are able to meet the requirements contained in the funding opportunity announcement (FOA), whether they are able to develop an application they believe to be responsive to the FOA and in designing and writing their applications. An applicant’s proposed budget should reflect their proposed program type, program option, number of children served, etc.
Q: Could you please give an example of why a program would have "a denial of refunding"?
A: Examples of “a denial of refunding” can be found in the Head Start Program Performance Standards in Section 1304.5 Termination and denial of refunding.
Q: I missed how to find out the inventory for the grant
A: You are encouraged to review all the grantee profiles and grantee inventories on the Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center website to review all publicly available information regarding the incumbent grantee’s funded enrollment. Information about the incumbent grantee for all available service areas should be posted by October 3rd. Applicants, based on their own community and family needs assessments should plan accordingly based on information provided.
Q: Can you repeat where we can find the resources of other grantees in our community?
A: You are encouraged to review all the grantee profiles and grantee inventories on the Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center website to review all publicly available information regarding the incumbent grantee’s funded enrollment. Information about the incumbent grantee for all available service areas should be posted by October 3rd. Applicants, based on their own community and family needs assessments should plan accordingly based on information provided.
Q: Are we allowed to submit more than one application under one of the new Head Start RFPs, if each application is for a different proposed site?
A: Per Section IV.2 Content Form of Application Submission, Single Application Submission it states “Applicants are limited to submitting only one application in response to this funding opportunity announcement. Only the last on-time, application submission will be accepted for review. Electronically submitted applications must be on-time and pass the validation process to be accepted for review.”
Q: If the FOA lists only a specific city for the service area, can the grant be submitted to include the county as the service area?
A: Funding awarded through these opportunities must be used to provide Head Start and/or Early Head Start services within the service area designated in the announcement. You are encouraged to review the service area specific details listed on page 2 of the FOA.
Q: When will the Early Head Start Expansion grants be available for any service area?
A: If funding is appropriated for Early Head Start Expansion, the Office of Head Start would make public its plans for posting the competition via You are encouraged to sign up for email notifications regarding new grant opportunities. To do so, you may visit the Manage Subscriptions portion of, available at the following link:
Q: To be clear, only non-profit organizations can apply for HS//EHS?
A: Applicants are encouraged to view the list of eligible applicants noted on the synopsis tab associated with each funding opportunity announcement posted on
Q: If I am a current grantee, will this new award be a separate grant or added to current grant?
A: Grant award decisions made as a result of a competition will be determined during applicant negotiations.
Q: If I am a newly formed nonprofit organization (less than 1 year), can I apply?
A: Per the list of eligible applicants as noted in the synopsis tab on, non-profit organizations are eligible to apply.
Q: Are there any FOA's for South Dakota?
A: Currently, there are no funding opportunities posted for South Dakota.
Q: I am a current Head Start program and I wondered if we are awarded this grant in July 2020, would this change the grant year for my program? Currently it is March 1 - Feb. 28, 2020. Will that be changed to a different time period?
A: Grant award decisions made as a result of a competition will be determined during applicant negotiations.
Q: Our Tribal Head Start is currently part of a consortium, Can we apply for our own grant?
A: Applicants are encouraged to view the list of eligible applicants noted on the synopsis tab associated with each funding opportunity announcement posted on
Q: What document(s) is required for "Oversight of Federal Awards" in the Appendices?
A: Per Section IV.2 Content and Form of Application Submission under Project Description, the Oversight of Federal Awards is not a standard federal form but is a plan devised by the applicant to describe how oversight of federal funds will be ensured and how grant activities and partner(s) will adhere to applicable federal and programmatic regulations, further details regarding the Oversight of Federal Awards can be found in section.
Q: Please give examples of what past experience (per Evaluation Criteria) a grantee would need in order to score well in the selection process?
A: The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) does not provide direct guidance or instruction in the development of an applicant’s project design or in writing their applications. Applicants should use their best judgment in determining whether they are able to meet the requirements contained in the funding opportunity announcement (FOA), whether they are able to develop an application they believe to be responsive to the FOA and in designing and writing their applications.
Q: I did not hear my question asked. When would we see our service area or tribal area?
A: Please note, per the Head Start Regulations, tribal grantees designated under the Designation Renewal System engage in a different process that does not require them to go immediately into competition in the year in which they were designated.
Q: If there are no childcare facilities in the community and construction would be necessary, is there time after the award is granted for construction? Or does a facility need to be established prior?
A: Per the Executive Summary section of the FOA it states, “Please note that applicants responding to this FOA will be expected to begin providing Head Start and/or Early Head Start services quickly after award, with a minimal start-up period, to support limited to no disruption in services to the currently enrolled children and families in this service area”. Additionally, applicants are encouraged to review Section II. Federal Award Information, Startup/Pre-award Costs.
Q: Where can I find information about the national average costs per Head Start slot and Early Head Start costs?
A: The Office of Head Start does not publish a national average cost per child.
Q: Is there a specific cost per child that we need to apply for?
A: The Office of Head Start has not determined a specific cost per child for each funding opportunity announcement.
Q: If there are many grantees in the area, how do we know what organization is up?
A: You are encouraged to review the grantee profile and grantee inventories on the Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center website to review all publicly available information regarding the incumbent grantee’s service area.
Q: Are Funding Opportunity Announcements only posted via or will OHS be sending out email blasts about FOAs? Are these FOAs for EHS expansion in all States or only for certain areas?
A: The funding opportunity announcements are not only posted via but they are also posted on the Office of Head Start’s Home page on the Administration for Children and Families website. Funding awarded through the Early Head Start Expansion opportunities are for the service areas designated in the announcement.
Oct. 2, 2019
See PDF version: Frequently Asked Questions (Oct. 2, 2019 Part 2)
Q: Are current grantees able to apply outside of their service area?
A: Funding awarded through these opportunities must be used to provide Head Start and/or Early Head Start services within the service area designated in the announcement (FOA Title and Executive Summary).
Q: Can you please repeat the ACS web address to retrieve information?
A: Funding opportunity announcements are posted on the Administration for Children and Families website on the Office of Head Start,
Q: Can we serve children from outside the service area, as long as they are served at centers within the service area? Often parents choose a center near where they work, not live.
A: The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) does not provide direct guidance or instruction in the development of an applicant’s project design or in writing their applications. Applicants should use their best judgment in determining whether they are able to meet the requirements contained in the funding opportunity announcement (FOA), whether they are able to develop an application they believe to be responsive to the FOA and in designing and writing their applications.
Q: If the service area includes multiple jurisdictions, do we have to provide a location in each jurisdiction that only serves families in those jurisdictions or can we allow families to choose which location they would prefer to attend (based on where they are employed or what is closer to them)?
A: The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) does not provide direct guidance or instruction in the development of an applicant’s project design or in writing their applications. Applicants should use their best judgment in determining whether they are able to meet the requirements contained in the funding opportunity announcement (FOA), whether they are able to develop an application they believe to be responsive to the FOA and in designing and writing their applications.
Q: On page 24 of the RFP, there is a section called "Approach." Is this describing a separate, unique section that should follow the project summary, or is just describing information that should go in one of the Sections 1-7 (Demonstration of Need, Achieving Early Learning..., etc.)?
A: “Approach,” as noted on page 24 of the funding opportunity announcement, serves as a heading for the content that follows through page 29.
Q: Can you address the start-up funds bullet on the previous slide?
A: Applicants are encourage to review Section II. Federal Award Information, Start-up/Pre-Award Costs, for more information.
Q: Early Head Start Expansion - what is the funding opportunity number?
A: All of the current Early Head Start Expansion and Early Head Start-Child Care Partnerships are posted to, as well as the Administration for Children and Families website on the Office of Head Start
Q: Will there be a training on non-competing awards?
A: The Office of Head Start will not offer a training on non-competing awards.
Q: Page 3 of the announcement indicates that HS expects to fund full-year programs. Is that a requirement? In some areas, that would result in serving many fewer families.
A: Per Section I. Program Description, Program Approach, it states “OHS expects that grantees will implement a full-year model, as described in 45 CFR Part 1302 Subpart B, that will require per-child costs that, in most circumstances, will be higher than the costs needed to provide part-year services. Applicants are encouraged to use this opportunity to design a model of services and program options that best meet the needs of children and families over time, including helping to meet the child care needs of parents.”
Q: Is it a requirement to serve pregnant women in this expansion?
A: While services for pregnant women are not required, pregnant women are eligible participants for Early Head Start Expansion and Early Head Start-Child Care Partnerships competitions.
Q: So if we have been in DRS within the past 5 years, can we apply for additional programs?
A: Yes, grantees in DRS are eligible to apply.
Q: Are the slides available?
A: The presentation given by the Office of Head Start will not be disseminated or posted publicly.
Q: How do you become a grantee?
A: Potential applicants are encouraged to review the entire funding opportunity announcement and the Head Start Program Performance Standards to determine if you are eligible and able to develop an application that will meet the needs of the community in which they intend to serve. You are also encouraged to visit
Q: Are grantees that are on Designated Renewal Status qualified to apply for this funding opportunity?
A: Yes, grantees in DRS are eligible to apply.
Q: Will a copy of this webinar presentation be made available to attendees today?
A: The presentation given by the Office of Head Start will not be disseminated or posted publicly.
Q: Are there video supports for completing the Non-Competing New applications?
A: The Office of Head Start is not aware of a video to support the Non-Competing New Applications.
Q: Can you post the web address to find the granting opportunities?
A: Funding opportunity announcements are posted on the Administration for Children and Families website on the Office of Head Start,
Q: I understand that the award ceiling applies for the first project budget period. Does this award ceiling also apply for budget periods 2-5?
A: It’s important to note there is a distinction between how the award ceiling and budget period function in the context of a competition. The award ceiling as indicated in Section II. Federal Award Information is primarily linked to Section III.3 Other. That said, the amount noted under estimated total funding in Section II. Federal Award Information is the amount applicants should use for their first 12 month budget period.
Q: There is a construction section of the non-construction budget. What types of construction costs would go here, and in what cases would we need to submit the completely separate construction budget?
A: The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) does not provide direct guidance or instruction in the development of an applicant’s project design or in writing their applications. However, applicants are encouraged to review the instructions found on for the SF424C and SF424D forms.
Q: If we are a current grantee and are awarded, will this be an independent grant or added to our current award?
A: Grant award decisions made as a result of a competition will be determined during applicant negotiations.
Q: I am not seeing my region listed in the current list - will there be more opportunities/regions listed?
A: When the Office of Head Start is ready to accept applications, OHS will issue an official notice known as a funding opportunity announcement (FOA), which will be available on which will contain more information on applicant eligibility and the service area. You are encouraged to sign up for email notifications regarding new grant opportunities. To do so, you may visit the Manage Subscriptions portion of, available at the following link:
Q: Is there a cost per child range that is considered appropriate for different regions?
A: The Office of Head Start has not determined cost per child per region.
Q: I can't find the funding announcement for our county- I may be missing it or are there more announcements that will be posted? (Rio Blanco County, Colorado)
A: When the Office of Head Start is ready to accept applications, OHS will issue an official notice known as a funding opportunity announcement (FOA), which will be available on which will contain more information on applicant eligibility and the service area. You are encouraged to sign up for email notifications regarding new grant opportunities. To do so, you may visit the Manage Subscriptions portion of, available at the following link:
Q: I understand that there are award ceilings and floors with the applications that we have to keep with. When we apply, are we supposed to apply for serving the children using the same cost per child ratio that was being followed by the previous grant award/grantee for that area? For example if the cost per child was around $11,000 previously but the model didn’t include full-day Head Start services along with transportation, could we apply for a portion of the grant (still sticking with the ceilings and floors) and ask for more money per child for more comprehensive services?
A: Applicants are not required to maintain the cost per child ratio operated by the incumbent grantee. Rather, applicants should propose a budget that supports the identified need in the community, ages and number of children to be served and type of services proposed.
Q: HHS-2020-ACF-OHS-CM-R12-1730 pages 26 & 47 as stated in the Announcement, Migrant & Seasonal programs were created to serve working families. As a result they do not typically use the home-based option (using Home Visitors) or formally enroll pregnant women since typically parents are in the field working thus this option does not best meet the needs of the Migrant and Seasonal children and families. Page 26 asks applicants to describe how they will deliver services to enrolled pregnant women post-pregnancy, and how the newborn infant and family will transition into the appropriate program option. Additionally, V.1. Criteria 2. Achieving Early Learning & Development Outcomes to Promote School Readiness for Children - Maximum Points 30 includes this criterion: The system proposed to deliver services to enrolled pregnant women post-pregnancy, and how the newborn infant and family will transition into the appropriate program option at the appropriate time; and how the program will support transitions from MSHS to public and community-based school settings. Will applicants indeed be scored on enrolling pregnant women into the home-base option for this Migrant & Seasonal application?
A: The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) does not provide direct guidance or instruction in the development of an applicant’s project design or in writing their applications. Applicants should use their best judgment in determining whether they are able to meet the requirements contained in the funding opportunity announcement (FOA), whether they are able to develop an application they believe to be responsive to the FOA and in designing and writing their applications. Applications will be reviewed and evaluated by objective review panels using the criteria described in Section V.1. Criteria of the FOA. The review panels will use the FOA as their principal guidance available to them in the same way that it is the principal guidance for applicants.
Q: Do you anticipate new funding opportunities to become available this fall for new communities? I am located in Charlottesville, VA and we are interested in creating an Early Head Start Program where there is strong community support and high need (note, Charlottesville currently has a Head Start, but not an EHS). 2) If funding does become available this fall and we are awarded a grant in July 2020, how long is the anticipated planning period? We have heard that we must be up and running within 4 month of receiving the award and we want to make sure that we are capable of doing so.
A: All upcoming competitive grant opportunities are always forecasted to the public prior to the posting of the full FOA. You are encouraged to sign up for email notifications regarding new grant opportunities. To do so, you may visit the Manage Subscriptions portion of, available at the following link: Additionally, the Executive Summary states,” Please note that applicants responding to this FOA will be expected to begin providing Head Start and/or Early Head Start services quickly after award, with a minimal start-up period, to support limited to no disruption in services to the currently enrolled children and families in this service area.
Q: Regarding HHS-2020-ACF-OHS-CH-R03-1709, are we able to define the service area for our proposal by cities?
A: Funding awarded through this opportunity must be used to provide Head Start and/or Early Head Start services within the service area designated in the announcement. Based on the expected number of awards noted in Section II. Federal Award Information applicants can propose to serve a portion of Allegheny County. You are encouraged to review the service area specific details listed on page 2 of the FOA.
Q: Are we allowed to submit more than one application under one of the new Head Start RFPs, if each application is for a different proposed site?
A: Per the Executive Summary, General Information for All Applicants section of the funding opportunity announcement “applicant entities may submit only one application per service area, regardless of how they choose to apply. The Administration for Children and Families will review only one application for a service area from any applicant."
Q: Can you please tell me how to find the inventory report for the existing HS program for this grant? Funding Opportunity Title: Head Start and/or Early Head Start Grantee The City of Winchester, and Clarke and Frederick Counties, Virginia, Funding Opportunity Number: HHS-2020-ACF-OHS-CH-R03-1776.
A: You are encouraged to review the grantee profiles and grantee inventories on the Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center website. Please visit this website regularly as information continues to be uploaded regularly.
Q: I do not see my region posted among the funding opportunities - is there an open competition that is not region-specific?
A: When the Office of Head Start is ready to accept applications, OHS will issue an official notice known as a funding opportunity announcement (FOA), which will be available on which will contain more information on applicant eligibility and the service area. You are encouraged to sign up for email notifications regarding new grant opportunities. To do so, you may visit the Manage Subscriptions portion of, available at the following link:
Q: For this year, there appear to be up to 2 grant award(ee)s possible for Cook County, with a total of $7,338,647 available funds. Do you anticipate this funding will be available again next year? If not, when would be the next time funding may be available, if we do not apply this year? Given that the project start date is July 1, 2020 for this year's applicants, what major deliverables will be expected of grantees within the first year of the project? Does the funding amount include support for capital construction (i.e. new center or renovation of existing space)? If not, how would grantees be expected this need? Is there a recommended format to follow for the grant narrative application, and other required grant documents where a template is not provided?
A: The Office of Head Start does not anticipate another competition for this funding amount next year. Additionally, organizations that are awarded funds on July 1, 2020 are expected to begin Head Start and Early Head Start services quickly after award. Further, you are encouraged to review Section II. Federal Award Information for information on startup cost that may include cost for construction and or renovation. In closing, the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) cannot provide any further guidance or instruction in the development of an applicant’s project design or in writing their applications.
Q: Who is the grantee to which the FOA for Tarrant County refers? (The Center for Transforming Lives or Child Care Associates-trying to figure out which of the two, if separate, is available to apply) a. The Center for Transforming Lives agency has 2 grant numbers b. Child Care Associates has 1 grant number 2. Where can we access the profile and inventory? I checked the ECLKC for the information on inventory and it was not available for the proposed grantee. 3. How many Head Start and how many Early Head Start slots are in each center? I would like to understand the breakdown of ages served per location. 4. Would the new grantee application take over current operating centers or number of children?
A: The grantee in competition for Tarrant County is Child Care Associates. You are encouraged to review all the grantee profiles and grantee inventories on the Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center website to review all publicly available information regarding the incumbent grantee’s centers that are leased or owned. Please visit this website regularly as additional information is uploaded regularly.
Q: If the FOA lists a specific city as the service area, does this include the entire county in which that city is found (if that is the desired service area), or only the zip codes, or residents, within that city’s geographic limits? The Funding Opportunity Announcement is for Early Head Start Expansion and Early Head Start – Child Care Partnership Grants – The City of Shelby, North Carolina. The Funding Opportunity Number is HHS-2020-ACF-OHS-R04-1697.
A: Funding awarded through this opportunity must be used to provide Head Start and/or Early Head Start services within the service area designated in the announcement. You are encouraged to review the service area specific details listed on pg. 2 of the FOA.
Q: Regarding FOAs: HHS-2020-ACF-OHS-CH-R02-1642 HHS-2020-ACF-OHS-CH-R02-1744 HHS-2020-ACF-OHS-CH-R02-1748. Are these rebids because the existing provider’s contracts are up for renewal? Or are these brand new centers or ones that the provider is no longer able to fulfill their contract?
A: The service areas referenced in your question are made available as a result of the current grantee’s designation to compete under the Designation Renewal System.
Q: In regards to the “Second File” appendices: Are government agencies exempt from the submission requirement of the Certificate of Good Standing? If so, do we need to include a statement stating this in our submittal? Also, since we are writing our grant application without assistance from a contractor, do we edit or omit the Signed Board of Directors Attestation?
A: Per Section IV.2. Content and Form of Application Submission, Required Forms, Assurances, and Certifications of the funding opportunity announcement, the submission of a Certificate of Good Standing is only required for for-profit organizations. Additionally, per the chart included in Section VIII. Other Information, the Signed Board of Directors Attestation’s submission applies only to applicants who collaborate with an external grant-writer, consultant and/or contractor for assistance and/or support on their application submission.
Q: Our program operates with established delegate agencies. The delegates are selected through the City's Procurement process and funding is provided through city contracts. On page 15 of the announcement under the second file section Third-party agreements are requested. I did not see that delegate agency agreements were listed? Are delegate agency contracts being requested? The City's contract template is at least 35 pages in length and would take up almost half of the suggested 73 pages for the Second file. 2. Per the Head Start Act programs are required to have MOU's with the Part B and C provider as well as with the LEA for purposes of training and transition, etc. These are multi-page agreements. With that being said, are these the third-party agreements? Similarly, we contract various vendors to provide health, dental, medical and nutritional services to our Head Start children. Each vendor has a contract with the City and so are we being asked to provide the contract template?
A: It is the applicant’s discretion which third party agreement they choose to include with their submission.
Q: Page 14 of the application - line spacing - specifies double spacing for Federal Financial Review. Formatting for Appendices and Federal Financial Review Attachments (third file) does not specify double spacing. Question - 1. What is the difference between the Federal Financial Review (double spaced) and the Federal Financial Review Attachments? Is the Federal Financial Review included in the project description? If so, where is this described in the application?
A: The Federal Financial Review attachments are not subject to the line spacing requirements as noted in the FOA.
Q: We would like to schedule a tour of the current Head Start/Early Head Start facility at 220 E. Helena, Ellensburg, WA 98902 in order to determine the current condition of the facility, equipment, grounds and other assets. This will inform what or if we need to request for start-up funding. We would like to visit the facility before 10/11 in order to allow sufficient time to prepare a start-up budget.
A: Upon request, the Office of Head Start might support visits to facilities for applicants with whom we are negotiating, at the appropriate time.
Oct. 7, 2019
See PDF version: Frequently Asked Questions (Oct. 7, 2019)
Q: Training and Technical Assistance (T/TA) Plan need? Is the plan separate or incorporated into the narrative?
A: The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) does not provide direct guidance or instruction in the development of an applicant’s project design or in writing their applications. Applicants should use their best judgment in determining whether they are able to meet the requirements contained in the funding opportunity announcement (FOA), whether they are able to develop an application they believe to be responsive to the FOA and in designing and writing their applications.
Q: What are the child care licensing requirements for agencies that are not currently providing child care services?
A: You are encouraged to review the National Database of Child Care Licensing Regulations by state visiting the Office of Child Care’s homepage via the Administration for Children and Families website,
Q: If we relinquished our grant before our renewal, can we still apply?
A: Agencies that have relinquished their federal grant are eligible to apply.
Q: We do not have a site, are we still eligible to apply?
A: You are encouraged to review the grantee profiles and grantee inventories on the Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center website. Please visit this website regularly as information continues to be uploaded regularly. Included in this information are facilities that may be available to a new organization, if awarded.
Q: If a request to waive the grant match is denied, can foundation funding be used?
A: Applicants are encourage to visit Section 1303.4 Federal financial assistance, non- federal match, and waiver requirements of the Head Start Program Performance Standards for more information.
Q: If I don't currently have an Early Head Start, can I convert Head Start slots to Early Head Start slots? (minimum #?)
A: Organizations can apply to serve eligible early head start children and families in response to both the Head Start and/or Early Head Start, and the Early Head Start Expansion and Early Head Start-Child Care Partnerships grant competitions.
Q: Do the budgets and budget narratives of sub awards count toward the 15 page budget and budget justification page limit?
A: Applicants are encouraged to review all of the formatting requirements noted in Section IV.2 of the funding opportunity announcement.
Q: If we are a current Head Start grantee and want to look at adding EHS will this be the type of funding opportunity we need to complete?
A: Organizations can apply to serve eligible early head start children and families in response to both the Head Start and/or Early Head Start, and the Early Head Start Expansion and Early Head Start-Child Care Partnerships grant competitions.
Q: Will you describe the required mental health consultation service?
A: Applicants are encouraged to read and review the Head Start Program Performance Standards.
Q: Will you address the requirements for delegate agencies?
A: Applicants are encouraged to read and review the Head Start Program Performance Standards.
Q: We are realizing that the FOAs are very specific about what areas are eligible to apply (i.e., only specific counties within our State of PA). How is this determined?
A: The service area noted in each funding opportunity announcement represent the communities that are currently being served by the incumbent Head Start and/or Early Head Start grantee.
Oct. 19, 2018
See PDF version: Frequently Asked Questions (Oct. 19, 2018)
Q: Where can we find the required components that need to be discussed in the narrative portion of the grant?
A: You are encouraged to read Sections IV.2 Content and Form of Application Submission and Section V.1 Criteria of the funding opportunity announcement to find required components to complete application.
Q: Can we apply to provide Early Head Start services in Dickenson County or is this posted in error? Can we propose only propose to provide Head Start services?
A: Yes, a potential applicant may choose to provide Head Start and/or Early Head Start services. The choice to propose either Head Start or Early Head Start services, or a combination of the two is at the applicant's discretion.
Q: Three questions related to HHS-2019-ACF-OHS-CH-R09-1447, please: 1. Are you willing to share the list of sites operated by the current grantee so that we can be accurate in the site locations we list in our application? 2. Will you share existing mortgages, long-term lease agreements, or security agreements about sites occupied by the current grantee? 3. Will there be an opportunity for applicants to tour the current Grantee's sites to do a facilities and materials needs assessment?
A: Per Section VIII. Other Information of the funding opportunity announcement (FOA), interested applicants are encouraged to visit the Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center's webpage, specific to the service areas in competition, to download the profile of current grantee services, equipment and inventory that are intended to support organizations in preparing their funding applications. Specifically, the sites operated by the incumbent are located on the Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center's webpage Existing mortgages, long- term lease agreements, or security agreements about sites are not pubic information and will not be shared. There will not be an opportunity to tour locations during the period in which this FOA is open.
Q: "Mortgages and Long-Term Lease Agreements." - Is there a way to know of any existing mortgages, long-term lease agreements, or security agreements on properties subject to a federal interest occupied by the current grantee prior to writing an application? How would a new applicant be able to cover these type of costs in the budget?
A: You are encouraged to review the grantee profile and grantee inventory on the Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center website for the service area(s) you are interested in. The grantee profile contains all the publicly available information regarding the incumbent grantee's mortgages and long-term lease agreements.
Q: Will I receive answers via email or if they would be posted on a public website?
A: An individual that submits a question to, will receive a response via email. Additionally, all questions and answers are posted to the Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center's webpage with the inquirer's personal and/or proprietary information redacted.
Q: For which staff should we include resumes and for which staff should we include biographical sketches?
A: It's in an applicant's discretion for which staff they include resumes and biographical sketches.
Q: On P 15: Signed Board of Directors Attestation – if the grant application is written in-house, does the board action need to state what is written on P 59-60 or is it just a regular board action signed by our Board President? Certificate of Good Standing – is this only a requirement for for- profit organizations as indicated on P 23, but if not, where can this form be found or obtained? Oversight of Federal Awards – where can this form be found and who would we ask to complete it? Protection of Sensitive and/or Confidential Information – is there a form for this, and if so where, or do we just attest to the fact that we do this and how?
A: Per Section VIII. Other Information of the funding opportunity announcement (FOA), the Signed Board of Directors Attestation's submission applies to applicants who collaborate with an external grant-writer, consultant and/or contractor for assistance and/or support on their application submission. The Certificate of Good Standing can be attained through your state tax office.
Per Section IV.2 Content and Form of Application Submission, Project Description of the FOA, the Oversight of Federal Awards is not a standard federal form but is a plan devised by the applicant to describe how oversight of federal funds will be ensured and how grant activities and partner(s) will adhere to applicable federal and programmatic regulations, further details regarding the Oversight of Federal Awards can be found in section. Lastly, the Protection of Sensitive and/or Confidential Information is not a standard form but a plan created by the applicant detailing the methods that will be used to ensure that confidential and/or sensitive information is properly handled and safeguarded.
Oct. 25, 2018
See PDF version: Frequently Asked Questions (October 25, 2018)
Q: Is there an opportunity for a new grantee to acquire that property from the previous grantee if a new grantee is awarded the grant?
A: Per Section I. Program Description, Mortgages and Long-Term Lease Agreements it states "If so directed by OHS, the newly funded grantee must accept assignment of any existing mortgages, long-term lease agreements, or security agreements (in the case of a modular unit) on properties subject to a federal interest occupied by the current grantee".
Q: The guidance states that File 3 should include "Federal Financial Review which includes most recent annual independent audit, including financial statements, related notes to the financial statements and the schedule of findings and questioned costs." However on page 13 of the Guidance, it also states that the Federal Financial Review must be double spaced, in 12-point Times New Roman font with 1 inch margins. If the documents are fully legible use 12 point TNR font and 1 inch margins but is single spaced, is this acceptable to submit or should a request for a new audit finding packet from an independent audit agency be the next course of action?
A: Yes, applicants can submit documentation for the federal financial review in its current format.
Q: Questions regarding FOA #HHS-2019-ACF-OHS-CH-R06-1474: 1. In documents that we are uploading, can we bold or highlight any text? 2. In narratives, does there need to be one space or two spaces between sentences? 3. How does a Third Party Agreement apply to an agency that is currently in operation? We are currently in operation and have MOUs with all of our third parties. Do we need to submit both (MOU and Third Party Agreement) for these agencies? 4. Who do you ask to provide a Certificate of Good Standing?
A: The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) does not provide direct guidance or instruction in the development of an applicant's project design or in writing their applications. Applicants should use their best judgment in determining whether they are able to meet the requirements contained in the funding opportunity announcement (FOA), whether they are able to develop an application they believe to be responsive to the FOA and in designing and writing their applications.
Per Section IV.2 Content and Form of Application Submission, The Project Description, Third-Party Agreements, "Third-party agreements include Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) and Letters of Commitment. General letters of support are not considered to be third-party agreements. Third party agreements must clearly describe the project activities and support to which the third party is committing. Third-party agreements must be signed by the person in the third-party organization with the authority to make such commitments on behalf of their organization. Provide written and signed agreements between grantees and sub grantees, or subcontractors, or other cooperating entities. These agreements must detail the scope of work to be performed, work schedules, remuneration, and other terms and conditions that structure or define the relationship." The Certificate of Good Standing can be attained through your state tax office.
Q: Questions regarding FOA #HHS-2019-ACF-OHS-CH-R04-1455: 1- Do we have to submit a budget and audit if our current budget is under $ 250,000.00. 2- What is the Board of Directors Attestation. 3- What is the Certificate of Good Standing. 4- What is the oversight Federal Awards5- What is the Protection of Sensitive and/or confidential Information.
A: Per Section IV.2 Content and Form of Application Submission, The Project Budget and Budget Justification, all applicants are required to submit a project budget and budget justification with their application. Per section IV.2 Content and Form of Application Submission under Required Forms, Assurances and Certifications the SF-424 submission is required for all applicants by the application due date. Per the chart included in Section VIII. Other Information, the Signed Board of Directors Attestation's submission applies to applicants who collaborate with an external grant-writer, consultant and/or contractor for assistance and/or support on their application submission. A certificate issued by a proper authority in a jurisdiction to verify that a corporation actually exists, has paid all its statutory dues, has met all filing requirements and, therefore, is authorized to transact business in that state. The Certificate of Good Standing can be attained through your state tax office. Per Section IV.2 Content and Form of Application Submission, Project Description, the Oversight of Federal Awards is not a standard federal form but is a plan devised by the applicant to describe how oversight of federal funds will be ensured and how grant activities and partner(s) will adhere to applicable federal and programmatic regulations, further details regarding the Oversight of Federal Awards can be found in section. Lastly, the Protection of Sensitive and/or Confidential Information is not a standard form but a plan created by the applicant detailing the methods that will be used to ensure that confidential and/or sensitive information is properly handled and safeguarded.
Q: Is it a general overview what types of trainings will be attended on an annual basis? Or do I need to specify what trainings will be attended in a certain time period like December 2019–November 2020?
A: The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) does not provide direct guidance or instruction in the development of an applicant's project design or in writing their applications. Applicants should use their best judgment in determining whether they are able to meet the requirements contained in the funding opportunity announcement (FOA), whether they are able to develop an application they believe to be responsive to the FOA and in designing and writing their applications.
Q: Can I submit the grant application while licensing through the State is pending or does the facility have to be licensed and open prior to applying for the grant?
A: Licenses for proposed facilities are not required during time of application.
Q: Twelve questions related to HHS-2019-ACF-OHS-CH-R04-1529. 1. Should text in charts be size 12? 2. Should lines in charts be double spaced? 3. Are 1st time grant applicants required to have signed statements of approval or disapproval from the governing board? 4. Are 1st time grant applicants required to have signed statements of approval or disapproval from the policy council? 5. Are 1st time grant applicants required to have minutes for participation in the development of the application from the governing board? 6. Are 1st time grant applicants required to have minutes for participation in the development of the application from the policy council? 7. Can an interim policy council be used until the applicant is notified of funding? 8. Are consultants in the area of fiscal management acceptable for the governing board? 9. Are 1st time grant applicants required to submit an annual report? 10. Are 1st time grant applicants required to submit results of self-assessment and improvement plan? 11. Does the 60 page limit include just the application and budget justification narrative? 12. Does the 60 page limit include the application, budget justification narrative and supporting documents.
A: Per Section IV.2 Content and Form of Application Submission, Font size and Margin it states "All narrative documents (e.g., Project Summary/Abstract, Project Description, Budget and Budget Justification, Federal Financial Review) must be in 12-point Times New Roman (TNR) font with 1- inch margins. All tables, charts, and inserts must also be in TNR 12-point font. Only footnotes may be in TNR 10-point font". Per Section IV.2 Content and Form of Application Submission, Line Spacing it states "Double Spacing: The Project Description and Federal Financial Review must be double-spaced. Any non-numerical tables, charts, or inserts must be double-spaced. Single Spacing: The Project Summary/Abstract, Table of Contents, and Budget and Budget Justification may be single-spaced. Numerical budget tables included as part of the application narrative may be single-spaced".
Additionally, The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) does not provide direct guidance or instruction in the development of an applicant's project design or in writing their applications. Applicants should use their best judgment in determining whether they are able to meet the requirements contained in the funding opportunity announcement (FOA), whether they are able to develop an application they believe to be responsive to the FOA and in designing and writing their applications. Applications will be reviewed and evaluated by objective review panels using the criteria described in Section V.1 Criteria of the FOA.
Q: Please confirm that the Federal Financial Review is to go in the Third File and that there are no specific format requirements other than it be readable.
A: The Federal Financial Review should be uploaded as the third file.
Q: Six questions regarding HHS-2019-ACF-OHS-CH-R06-1477 Question 1- How do I obtain the staffing information for the people that are already employed at these facilities? Question 2- How do I obtain information about their pay scale? I would like to attract and retain qualified staff member with some type of monetary incentive. Question 3- How do I obtain the strategies and mechanisms that are currently being implemented? I want to know if they are effective. If some of the strategies are effective, I would like to use them in my application along with some new ideas that my organization would like to implement. Question 4- How do I obtain information about the current grantee and staff? Part of the application ask me to determine which applicants are most capable of implementing a high quality, comprehensive program, but I don't know who's the current grantee. Question 5- Can I obtain a copy of the current budgets and justification? As I stated above, I don't want to cause a drastic change for this community. I don't want to set a budget that will drastically interrupt anyone financial stability. I want to gradually implement my organizations expectations and programs. Question 6- Is the current grantee able to reapply for this grant? or Is this a five year contract that's not renewable? Thanks in advance for your support.
A: The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) does not provide direct guidance or instruction in the development of an applicant's project design or in writing their applications. Applicants should use their best judgment in determining whether they are able to meet the requirements contained in the funding opportunity announcement (FOA), whether they are able to develop an application they believe to be responsive to the FOA and in designing and writing their applications. With regard to staff currently employed at the incumbent organization, if the competitive process issues an award to a new organization the Office of Head Start would work with both agencies to support the least disruption of employment for staff.
Nov. 9, 2018
See PDF version: Frequently Asked Questions (Nov. 9, 2018)
Q: In the synopsis, it indicates that private and public institutions of higher education are eligible. However, it is unclear under the additional eligibility whether public institutions of higher education are eligible. The language seems to indicate that only entities with non-profit status are eligible, yet it directs the reader to Section 645Ad of the Head Start Act. "Eligible applicants are any public or private non-profit agencies, including community-based and faith-based organizations, or for-profit agencies pursuant to Section 645A(d) of the Head Start Act, 42 U.S.C. § 9840A(d). Eligibility is limited to public or private non-profit organizations, including faithbased organizations or for-profit organizations that can provide Early Head Start services to children and families. Entities operating Head Start programs are eligible to operate Early Head Start programs. Faith-based and community organizations that meet the eligibility requirements are eligible to receive awards under this funding opportunity announcement. Applications from individuals (including sole proprietorships) and foreign entities are not eligible and will be disqualified from competitive review and from funding under this announcement. "In 645A(d) of the act, the language states: "other public entities AND non-profit..." "(3) other public entities, and nonprofit or for-profit private entities, including community-based and faith-based organizations, capable of providing child and family services that meet the standards for participation in programs under this subchapter and meet such other appropriate requirements relating to the activities under this section as the Secretary may establish" Could you please clarify if a public community college that is not considered a non-profit agency is eligible?
A: You are encouraged to review Section III.1Eligible Applicants of the funding opportunity announcement for additional information on what entities are eligible to apply for funding through this opportunity. The Office of Head Start does not have enough to information about your organization to determine specific eligibility.
Q: Would you be able to clarify which organizational documents require the establishment and maintenance of a Board of Directors (RFP p.28): For-Profit Organizations Sole-proprietorships are not eligible applicants. For-profit organizations applying for funding must submit the following to provide proof of their eligibility and legal status: A Certificate of Good Standing, A current list of board members, and Organizational documents that require the establishment and maintenance of a Board of Directors.
A: While your question is unclear, the requirements around board and governance structure is established in the Head Start Act, not by any specific organizational documents.
Q: Do I sign the SF 424 (Application for Federal Assistance) as the Authorized Representative in Field Number 21 or should our Governing Board Chairperson sign? * If I sign, I will need our Governing Board's approval on file at our office. Do I also need to include it with the grant application? * If our Governing Board Chairperson signs, do they need a account, AOR role in, a SAM account, and/or listed as the Electronic Business POC in SAM? 2. On the SF 424 Field Number 8f, this contact person needs to be different than who signs the SF 424 as the AOR, correct? 3. On the Key Contact form, is this person the same as the contact person on the SF 424 Field Number 8f?
A: You are encouraged to review, Forms, SF-424 family, where you can locate the instructions for both the SF-424 as well as the Key Contact form.
Q: I am writing to inquire whether there are any records of an old application submitted in 2016?
A: Feedback on applications submitted in 2016 is not available.
Q: Is Head Start Grant Application Instruction with Guidance Version 3 to be used with application?
A: This document is not applicable to applications submitted for this competition. For the most up to date information regarding how to apply for funding, applicants are encouraged to visit This webpage provides information on applying for grants, registering and applying through, submitting an application, and understanding the grant review process.
Q: Can you please confirm ASAP that we can use State funds to match the grant funds?
A: The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) does not provide direct guidance or instruction in the development of an applicant’s project design or in writing their applications. Applicants should use their best judgment in determining whether they are able to meet the requirements contained in the funding opportunity announcement (FOA), whether they are able to develop an application they believe to be responsive to the FOA and in designing and writing their applications. Applications will be reviewed and evaluated by objective review panels using the criteria described in Section V.1. of the FOA. The review panels will use the FOA as their principal guidance available to them in the same way that it is the principal guidance for applicants. Applicants are encouraged to review the Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center website for additional information on the non-federal share match requirement.
Q: Could you please let me know which TYPE OF APPLICATION I should enter in Item 2 of the SF- 424?
A: Applicants should select “New’ as type of application.
Nov. 20, 2018
See PDF version: Frequently Asked Questions (Nov. 20, 2018)
- Q: The Federal Award Notice section states that successful applicants will be notified though the issuance of a Notice of Award, but when should a notice be expected to be sent out.
A: Notice of Awards will be sent to successful applicants prior to the anticipated startup date of 7/2/19. - Q: The Head Start and/or Early Head Start Grantee Funding Opportunity Announcement states the following regarding the start-up budget request: "Start-up/pre-award costs, if requested, should be included only on the Other Estimated Funding line (Line 18e) and clearly labeled as "Start-up/Pre-Award Costs" in a separate line item on the SF-424A, Budget Information - Non-Construction Programs. Additionally, if applicants are requesting start-up/pre-award costs, these costs must be easily identified as a separate budget in the Budget and Budget Justification section of the application." Does this mean that the start-up budget should be included as a separate "Grant Program Function or Activity" in Section A, on page 1, and then be itemized by line item in Section B? For the Training and Technical Assistance budget, should this also be listed as a separate "Grant Program Function or Activity" in Section A, or added into the total budget for the project?
A: You are encouraged to visit, Forms, SF-424 Family for instructions on how to complete form, including the fields noted in your inquiry. The Office of Head Start does not have any further guidance beyond the instructions published in the funding opportunity announcement. - Q: Can you tell me how to enter the start-up funding requests in the 424?
A: You are encouraged to visit, Forms, SF-424 Family for instructions on how to complete form, including the fields noted in your inquiry. - Q: When completing the subject form, is it the intent that the grantee location is the project location entered....OR is it intended that every center across the service are be entered?
A: While the Office of Head Start cannot advise on the specifics of your question. The sections of the PROJECT/PERFOMANCE SITE LOCATIONS FORM is clearly marked to request information on the primary location and individual site locations. - Q: Please indicate whether we need to submit both Resumes and Biographical Sketches, of whether submitting one of the two is sufficient. (Page 29) If resumes are required, for whom (in terms of job position) must we submit resumes?
A: Applicants are encouraged to review Section V.1 Criteria, Staffing, and Organizational Capacity to determine what information is required in regards to the applicant’s organization. The number of resumes an applicant includes and for whom is at their discretion. - Q: I read in the instructions that the "point of contact person" must be different from the AOR. On which form is this "point of contact person"? Can you please provide more information about the Mandatory Grant disclosure, If we do not have any violations of federal law, do we need to submit disclosures? I don't see a space on the work space to submit the Third File - Federal Financial Review(Audit). The instructions indicate this is separate and not counted in the page count. Where do I attach the audit? On the "other attachments" space on the workspace, there is a place for "mandatory" and "other" attachments.
A: Points of contact should be entered on the Key contacts form which can be found on Per Section IV.2. Content and Form of Application Submission, Mandatory Grant Disclosure, “Submission is required for all applicants and recipients, in writing, to the awarding Frequently Asked Questions November 20, 2018 agency and to the HHS Office of the Inspector General (OIG) all information related to violations of federal criminal law involving fraud, bribery, or gratuity violations potentially affecting the federal award”. All questions related to uploading documents should be directed to *Please note* is an agency independent of the Office of Head Start. - Q: On the 424 #4. Applicant Identifier: is this the number assigned to our agency for payment drawdowns, etc? On the 424-A We have an amount listed for Start-up/Pre Award Costs in a separate column, do we take this amount into consideration when calculating the Section D - Forecasted Cash Needs for each quarter or do we have to stick to the award ceiling amount?
A: The Office of Head Start cannot advise on your question specifically and you are encouraged to visit, Forms, SF-424 Family for instructions on how to complete form. - Q: On it has a section to be completed called "Project/Performance Site Primary Location". We completed the primary site location with our central office information. Below it is another section called "Project/Performance Site OTHER Locations". It asks for the organization name and DUNS number like the primary site section did. So, are we to fill in that section with each Head Start center name and address we currently have or is that for delegates, etc?
A: While the Office of Head Start cannot advise on the specifics of your question. The sections of the PROJECT/PERFOMANCE SITE LOCATIONS FORM are clearly marked to request information on the primary location and individual site locations. - Q: For programs with both HS and EHS, do we need two SF-424(a) forms to be able to submit Budget information on both programs.
A: Applicants are encouraged to utilize all columns of the SF-424A form to represent the budget information for both programs. - Q: Can you tell me what dates I should be using the SF 424 report? Would our grant year change to 7/1/19 to 6/30/20?
A: The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) does not provide direct guidance or instruction in the development of an applicant’s project design or in writing their applications. Applicants should use their best judgment in determining whether they are able to meet the requirements contained in the funding opportunity announcement (FOA), whether they are able to develop an application they believe to be responsive to the FOA and in designing and writing their applications. Per Section II. Federal Award Information the Office of Head Start expects to award grants on 7/1/19. - Q: A required document in the SecondFile is "Oversight of Federal Awards" - what is this please? And, if applicable, where can I find it?
A: Per Section IV.2 Content and Form of Application Submission, Project Description, the Oversight of Federal Awards is not a standard federal form but is a plan devised by the applicant to describe how oversight of federal funds will be ensured and how grant activities and partner(s) Frequently Asked Questions November 20, 2018 will adhere to applicable federal and programmatic regulations, further details regarding the Oversight of Federal Awards can be found in the section.
Oct. 2, 2019
See PDF version: Frequently Asked Questions (Oct. 2, 2019 Part 1)
Q: Are current grantees able to apply outside of their service area?
A: Funding awarded through these opportunities must be used to provide Head Start and/or Early Head Start services within the service area designated in the announcement (FOA Title and Executive Summary).
Q: Can you please repeat the ACS web address to retrieve information?
A: Funding opportunity announcements are posted on the Administration for Children and Families website on the Office of Head Start,
Q: Can we serve children from outside the service area, as long as they are served at centers within the service area? Often parents choose a center near where they work, not live.
A: The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) does not provide direct guidance or instruction in the development of an applicant’s project design or in writing their applications. Applicants should use their best judgment in determining whether they are able to meet the requirements contained in the funding opportunity announcement (FOA), whether they are able to develop an application they believe to be responsive to the FOA and in designing and writing their applications.
Q: If the service area includes multiple jurisdictions, do we have to provide a location in each jurisdiction that only serves families in those jurisdictions or can we allow families to choose which location they would prefer to attend (based on where they are employed or what is closer to them)?
A: The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) does not provide direct guidance or instruction in the development of an applicant’s project design or in writing their applications. Applicants should use their best judgment in determining whether they are able to meet the requirements contained in the funding opportunity announcement (FOA), whether they are able to develop an application they believe to be responsive to the FOA and in designing and writing their applications.
Q: On page 24 of the RFP, there is a section called "Approach." Is this describing a separate, unique section that should follow the project summary, or is just describing information that should go in one of the Sections 1-7 (Demonstration of Need, Achieving Early Learning..., etc.)?
A: “Approach,” as noted on page 24 of the funding opportunity announcement, serves as a heading for the content that follows through page 29.
Q: Can you address the start-up funds bullet on the previous slide?
A: Applicants are encouraged to review Section II. Federal Award Information, Start-up/Pre-Award Costs, for more information.
Q: Will there be a training on non-competing awards?
A: The Office of Head Start will not offer a training on non-competing awards.
Q: Page 3 of the announcement indicates that HS expects to fund full-year programs. Is that a requirement? In some areas, that would result in serving many fewer families.
A: Per Section I. Program Description, Program Approach, it states “OHS expects that grantees will implement a full-year model, as described in 45 CFR Part 1302 Subpart B, that will require per-child costs that, in most circumstances, will be higher than the costs needed to provide part-year services. Applicants are encouraged to use this opportunity to design a model of services and program options that best meet the needs of children and families over time, including helping to meet the child care needs of parents.”
Q: So, if we have been in DRS within the past 5 years, can we apply for additional programs?
A: Yes, grantees in DRS are eligible to apply.
Q: Are the slides available?
A: The presentation given by the Office of Head Start will not be disseminated or posted publicly.
Q: How do you become a grantee?
A: Potential applicants are encouraged to review the entire funding opportunity announcement and the Head Start Program Performance Standards to determine if you are eligible and able to develop an application that will meet the needs of the community in which they intend to serve. You are also encouraged to visit
Q: Are grantees that are on Designated Renewal Status qualified to apply for this funding opportunity?
A: Yes, grantees in DRS are eligible to apply.
Q: Will a copy of this webinar presentation be made available to attendees today?
A: The presentation given by the Office of Head Start will not be disseminated or posted publicly.
Q: Are there video supports for completing the Non-Competing New applications?
A: The Office of Head Start is not aware of a video to support the Non-Competing New Applications.
Q: Can you post the web address to find the granting opportunities?
A: Funding opportunity announcements are posted on the Administration for Children and Families website on the Office of Head Start,
Q: I understand that the award ceiling applies for the first project budget period. Does this award ceiling also apply for budget periods 2-5?
A: It’s important to note there is a distinction between how the award ceiling and budget period function in the context of a competition. The award ceiling as indicated in Section II. Federal Award Information is primarily linked to Section III.3 Other. That said, the amount noted underestimated total funding in Section II. Federal Award Information is the amount applicants should use for their first 12-month budget period.
Q: There is a construction section of the non-construction budget. What types of construction costs would go here, and in what cases would we need to submit the completely separate construction budget?
A: The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) does not provide direct guidance or instruction in the development of an applicant’s project design or in writing their applications. However, applicants are encouraged to review the instructions found on for the SF424C and SF424D forms.
Q: If we are a current grantee and are awarded, will this be an independent grant or added to our current award?
A: Grant award decisions made as a result of a competition will be determined during applicant negotiations.
Q: I am not seeing my region listed in the current list - will there be more opportunities/regions listed?
A: When the Office of Head Start is ready to accept applications, OHS will issue an official notice known as a funding opportunity announcement (FOA), which will be available on which will contain more information on applicant eligibility and the service area. You are encouraged to sign up for email notifications regarding new grant opportunities. To do so, you may visit the Manage Subscriptions portion of, available at the following link:
Q: Is there a cost per child range that is considered appropriate for different regions?
A: The Office of Head Start has not determined cost per child per region.
Q: I can't find the funding announcement for our county- I may be missing it or are there more announcements that will be posted? (Rio Blanco County, Colorado)
A: When the Office of Head Start is ready to accept applications, OHS will issue an official notice known as a funding opportunity announcement (FOA), which will be available on which will contain more information on applicant eligibility and the service area. You are encouraged to sign up for email notifications regarding new grant opportunities. To do so, you may visit the Manage Subscriptions portion of, available at the following link:
Q: I understand that there are award ceilings and floors with the applications that we have to keep with. When we apply, are we supposed to apply for serving the children using the same cost per child ratio that was being followed by the previous grant award/grantee for that area? For example, if the cost per child was around $11,000 previously but the model didn’t include full-day Head Start services along with transportation, could we apply for a portion of the grant (still sticking with the ceilings and floors) and ask for more money per child for more comprehensive services?
A: Applicants are not required to maintain the cost per child ratio operated by the incumbent grantee. Rather, applicants should propose a budget that supports the identified need in the community, ages and number of children to be served and type of services proposed.
Q: Do you anticipate new funding opportunities to become available this fall for new communities? I am located in Charlottesville, VA and we are interested in creating an Early Head Start Program where there is strong community support and high need (note, Charlottesville currently has a Head Start, but not an EHS). 2) If funding does become available this fall and we are awarded a grant in July 2020, how long is the anticipated planning period? We have heard that we must be up and running within 4 month of receiving the award and we want to make sure that we are capable of doing so.
A: All upcoming competitive grant opportunities are always forecasted to the public prior to the posting of the full FOA. You are encouraged to sign up for email notifications regarding new grant opportunities. To do so, you may visit the Manage Subscriptions portion of, available at the following link: Additionally, the Executive Summary states,” Please note that applicants responding to this FOA will be expected to begin providing Head Start and/or Early Head Start services quickly after award, with a minimal start-up period, to support limited to no disruption in services to the currently enrolled children and families in this service area.
Q: Regarding HHS-2020-ACF-OHS-CH-R03-1709, are we able to define the service area for our proposal by cities?
A: Funding awarded through this opportunity must be used to provide Head Start and/or Early Head Start services within the service area designated in the announcement. Based on the expected number of awards noted in Section II. Federal Award Information applicants can propose to serve a portion of Allegheny County. You are encouraged to review the service area specific details listed on page 2 of the FOA.
Q: Are we allowed to submit more than one application under one of the new Head Start RFPs, if each application is for a different proposed site?
A: Per the Executive Summary, General Information for All Applicants section of the funding opportunity announcement “applicant entities may submit only one application per service area, regardless of how they choose to apply. The Administration for Children and Families will review only one application for a service area from any applicant."
Q: Can you please tell me how to find the inventory report for the existing HS program for this grant? Funding Opportunity Title: Head Start and/or Early Head Start Grantee The City of Winchester, and Clarke and Frederick Counties, Virginia, Funding Opportunity Number: HHS-2020-ACF-OHS-CH-R03-1776.
A: You are encouraged to review the grantee profiles and grantee inventories on the Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center website. Please visit this website regularly as information continues to be uploaded regularly.
Q: I do not see my region posted among the funding opportunities - is there an open competition that is not region-specific?
A: When the Office of Head Start is ready to accept applications, OHS will issue an official notice known as a funding opportunity announcement (FOA), which will be available on which will contain more information on applicant eligibility and the service area. You are encouraged to sign up for email notifications regarding new grant opportunities. To do so, you may visit the Manage Subscriptions portion of, available at the following link:
Q: For this year, there appear to be up to 2 grant award(ee)s possible for Cook County, with a total of $7,338,647 available funds. Do you anticipate this funding will be available again next year? If not, when would be the next time funding may be available, if we do not apply this year? Given that the project start date is July 1, 2020 for this year's applicants, what major deliverables will be expected of grantees within the first year of the project? Does the funding amount include support for capital construction (i.e. new center or renovation of existing space)? If not, how would grantees be expected this need? Is there a recommended format to follow for the grant narrative application, and other required grant documents where a template is not provided?
A: The Office of Head Start does not anticipate another competition for this funding amount next year. Additionally, organizations that are awarded funds on July 1, 2020 are expected to begin Head Start and Early Head Start services quickly after award. Further, you are encouraged to review Section II. Federal Award Information for information on startup cost that may include cost for construction and or renovation. In closing, the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) cannot provide any further guidance or instruction in the development of an applicant’s project design or in writing their applications.
Q: Who is the grantee to which the FOA for Tarrant County refers? (The Center for Transforming Lives or Child Care Associates-trying to figure out which of the two, if separate, is available to apply) a. The Center for Transforming Lives agency has 2 grant numbers b. Child Care Associates has 1 grant number 2. Where can we access the profile and inventory? I checked the ECLKC for the information on inventory and it was not available for the proposed grantee. 3. How many Head Start and how many Early Head Start slots are in each center? I would like to understand the breakdown of ages served per location. 4. Would the new grantee application take over current operating centers or number of children?
A: The grantee in competition for Tarrant County is Child Care Associates. You are encouraged to review all the grantee profiles and grantee inventories on the Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center website to review all publicly available information regarding the incumbent grantee’s centers that are leased or owned. Please visit this website regularly as additional information is uploaded regularly.
Q: Regarding FOAs: HHS-2020-ACF-OHS-CH-R02-1642 HHS-2020-ACF-OHS-CH-R02-1744 HHS-2020-ACF-OHS-CH-R02-1748. Are these rebids because the existing provider’s contracts are up for renewal? Or are these brand-new centers or ones that the provider is no longer able to fulfill their contract?
A: The service areas referenced in your question are made available as a result of the current grantee’s designation to compete under the Designation Renewal System.
Q: In regard to the “Second File” appendices: Are government agencies exempt from the submission requirement of the Certificate of Good Standing? If so, do we need to include a statement stating this in our submittal? Also, since we are writing our grant application without assistance from a contractor, do we edit or omit the Signed Board of Directors Attestation?
A: Per Section IV.2. Content and Form of Application Submission, Required Forms, Assurances, and Certifications of the funding opportunity announcement, the submission of a Certificate of Good Standing is only required for for-profit organizations. Additionally, per the chart included in Section VIII. Other Information, the Signed Board of Directors Attestation’s submission applies only to applicants who collaborate with an external grant-writer, consultant and/or contractor for assistance and/or support on their application submission.
Q: Our program operates with established delegate agencies. The delegates are selected through the City's Procurement process and funding is provided through city contracts. On page 15 of the announcement under the second file section Third-party agreements are requested. I did not see that delegate agency agreements were listed? Are delegate agency contracts being requested? The City's contract template is at least 35 pages in length and would take up almost half of the suggested 73 pages for the Second file. 2. Per the Head Start Act programs are required to have MOU's with the Part B and C provider as well as with the LEA for purposes of training and transition, etc. These are multi-page agreements. With that being said, are these the third-party agreements? Similarly, we contract various vendors to provide health, dental, medical and nutritional services to our Head Start children. Each vendor has a contract with the City and so are we being asked to provide the contract template?
A: It is the applicant’s discretion which third party agreement they choose to include with their submission.
Q: Page 14 of the application - line spacing - specifies double spacing for Federal Financial Review. Formatting for Appendices and Federal Financial Review Attachments (third file) does not specify double spacing. Question - 1. What is the difference between the Federal Financial Review (double spaced) and the Federal Financial Review Attachments? Is the Federal Financial Review included in the project description? If so, where is this described in the application?
A: The Federal Financial Review attachments are not subject to the line spacing requirements as noted in the FOA.
Q: We would like to schedule a tour of the current Head Start/Early Head Start facility at 220 E. Helena, Ellensburg, WA 98902 in order to determine the current condition of the facility, equipment, grounds and other assets. This will inform what or if we need to request for start-up funding. We would like to visit the facility before 10/11 in order to allow sufficient time to prepare a start-up budget.
A: Upon request, the Office of Head Start might support visits to facilities for applicants with whom we are negotiating, at the appropriate time.
Oct. 2, 2019
See PDF version: Frequently Asked Questions (Oct. 2, 2019 Part 2)
Q: Where can we find exemplar applications that were previously awarded a Head Start grant to use as tools to guide the writing process?
A: Applications funded by federal grant programs are subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C. § 552. Such applications are frequently requested under the FOIA, consistent with the FOIA’s requirement to proactively disclose frequently requested materials at 5 U.S.C. § 552(a)(2)(D). Each released application will receive appropriate redaction of specific information to protect personal privacy and competitively sensitive commercial information. Information on filing a FOIA request is available at: Please note the name of the grantee organization must be included in a FOIA request.
Q: For applicants that have many staff members across multiple counties, is it necessary to list staff member name for every position (e.g., teachers, assistant teachers)? Or, is it acceptable to include the names of only key leadership team members and then list the rest of the staff members by position?
A: The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) does not provide direct guidance or instruction in the development of an applicant’s project design or in writing their applications. Applicants should use their best judgment in determining whether they are able to meet the requirements contained in the funding opportunity announcement (FOA), whether they are able to develop an application they believe to be responsive to the FOA and in designing and writing their applications. Applications will be reviewed and evaluated by objective review panels using the criteria described in Section V.1 of the FOA. The review panels will use the FOA as their principal guidance available to them in the same way that it is the principal guidance for applicants.
Q: Where can we find the number of students who are currently being served by the incumbent for our county?
A: You are encouraged to review all the grantee profiles and grantee inventories on the Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center website to review all publicly available information regarding the incumbent grantee’s funded enrollment. Information about the incumbent grantee for all available service areas should be posted by October 3rd. Applicants, based on their own community and family needs assessments should plan accordingly based on information provided.
Q: Will there be new funding released later this fall for new communities, similar to the RFP released last November?
A: When the Office of Head Start is ready to accept applications, OHS will issue an official notice known as a funding opportunity announcement (FOA), which will be available on which will contain more information on applicant eligibility and the service area. You are encouraged to sign up for email notifications regarding new grant opportunities. To do so, you may visit the Manage Subscriptions portion of, available at the following link:
Q: I understand that there are award ceilings and floors with the applications that we have to keep with. When we apply, are we supposed to apply for serving the children using the same cost per child ratio that was being followed by the previous grant award/grantee for that area? For example if the cost per child was around $11,000 previously but the model didn’t include full-day Head Start services along with transportation, could we apply for a Portion of the grant (still sticking with the ceilings and floors) and ask for more money per child for more comprehensive services.
A: Applicants are not required to maintain the cost per child ratio operated by the incumbent grantee. Rather, applicants should propose a budget that supports the identified need in the community, ages and number of children to be served and type of services proposed.
Q: Did you say that funding announcement awards would be in July 2020?
A: Per Section II. Federal Award Information, the anticipated project start date is 07/01/2020.
Q: If the funding opportunity has two (2) anticipated awards, would that be one for Head Start and one for Early Head Start, or would it be up to two for each?
A: Per Section II. Federal Award Information, Expected Number of Awards of the FOA," Please note that the expected number of awards represents an estimated range of awards that the Office of Head Start might make as the result of this funding opportunity announcement.”
Q: What if we do not see our service area and/or do not see any tribal for EHS/HS?
A: Please note per the Head Start Regulations, tribal grantees designated under the Designation Renewal System engage in a different process that does not require them to go immediately into competition in the year in which they were designated.
Q: If you apply for a portion of a grant, for instance 2 out of 5 available counties, how do you determine the application amount?
A: Applicants should use their best judgment in determining whether they are able to meet the requirements contained in the funding opportunity announcement (FOA), whether they are able to develop an application they believe to be responsive to the FOA and in designing and writing their applications. An applicant’s proposed budget should reflect their proposed program type, program option, number of children served, etc.
Q: Could you please give an example of why a program would have "a denial of refunding?"
A: Examples of “a denial of refunding” can be found in the Head Start Program Performance Standards in Section 1304.5 Termination and denial of refunding.
Q: I missed how to find out the inventory for the grant.
A: You are encouraged to review all the grantee profiles and grantee inventories on the Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center website to review all publicly available information regarding the incumbent grantee’s funded enrollment. Information about the incumbent grantee for all available service areas should be posted by October 3rd. Applicants, based on their own community and family needs assessments should plan accordingly based on information provided.
Q: Can you repeat where we can find the resources of other grantees in our community?
A: You are encouraged to review all the grantee profiles and grantee inventories on the Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center website to review all publicly available information regarding the incumbent grantee’s funded enrollment. Information about the incumbent grantee for all available service areas should be posted by October 3rd. Applicants, based on their own community and family needs assessments should plan accordingly based on information provided.
Q: Are we allowed to submit more than one application under one of the new Head Start RFPs, if each application is for a different proposed site?
A: Per Section IV.2 Content Form of Application Submission, Single Application Submission it states “Applicants are limited to submitting only one application in response to this funding opportunity announcement. Only the last on-time, application submission will be accepted for review. Electronically submitted applications must be on-time and pass the validation process to be accepted for review.”
Q: If the FOA lists only a specific city for the service area, can the grant be submitted to include the county as the service area?
A: Funding awarded through these opportunities must be used to provide Head Start and/or Early Head Start services within the service area designated in the announcement. You are encouraged to review the service area specific details listed on page 2 of the FOA.
Q: To be clear, only non-profit organizations can apply for HS//EHS?
A: Applicants are encouraged to view the list of eligible applicants noted on the synopsis tab associated with each funding opportunity announcement posted on
Q: If I am a current grantee, will this new award be a separate grant or added to current grant?
A: Grant award decisions made as a result of a competition will be determined during applicant negotiations.
Q: If I am a newly formed nonprofit organization (less than 1 year), can I apply?
A: Per the list of eligible applicants as noted in the synopsis tab on, non-profit organizations are eligible to apply.
Q: Are there any FOA's for South Dakota?
A: Currently, there are no funding opportunities posted for South Dakota.
Q: I am a current Head Start program and I wondered if we are awarded this grant in July 2020, would this change the grant year for my program? Currently it is March 1 - Feb. 28, 2020. Will that be changed to a different time period?
A: Grant award decisions made as a result of a competition will be determined during applicant negotiations.
Q: Our Tribal Head Start is currently part of a consortium, Can we apply for our own grant?
A: Applicants are encouraged to view the list of eligible applicants noted on the synopsis tab associated with each funding opportunity announcement posted on
Q: What document(s) is required for "Oversight of Federal Awards" in the Appendices?
A: Per Section IV.2 Content and Form of Application Submission under Project Description, the Oversight of Federal Awards is not a standard federal form but is a plan devised by the applicant to describe how oversight of federal funds will be ensured and how grant activities and partner(s) will adhere to applicable federal and programmatic regulations, further details regarding the Oversight of Federal Awards can be found in section.
Q: Please give examples of what past experience (per Evaluation Criteria) a grantee would need in order to score well in the selection process?
A: The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) does not provide direct guidance or instruction in the development of an applicant’s project design or in writing their applications. Applicants should use their best judgment in determining whether they are able to meet the requirements contained in the funding opportunity announcement (FOA), whether they are able to develop an application they believe to be responsive to the FOA and in designing and writing their applications.
Q: I did not hear my question asked. When would we see our service area or tribal area
A: Please note, per the Head Start Regulations, tribal grantees designated under the Designation Renewal System engage in a different process that does not require them to go immediately into competition in the year in which they were designated.
Q: If there are no childcare facilities in the community and construction would be necessary, is there time after the award is granted for construction? Or does a facility need to be established prior?
A: Per the Executive Summary section of the FOA it states, “Please note that applicants responding to this FOA will be expected to begin providing Head Start and/or Early Head Start services quickly after award, with a minimal start-up period, to support limited to no disruption in services to the currently enrolled children and families in this service area”. Additionally, applicants are encouraged to review Section II. Federal Award Information, Startup/Pre-award Costs.
Q: Where can I find information about the national average costs per Head Start slot and Early Head Start costs?
A: The Office of Head Start does not publish a national average cost per child.
Q: Is there a specific cost per child that we need to apply for?
A: The Office of Head Start has not determined a specific cost per child for each funding opportunity announcement.
Q: If there are many grantees in the area, how do we know what organization is up?
A: You are encouraged to review the grantee profile and grantee inventories on the Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center website to review all publicly available information regarding the incumbent grantee’s service area.
Nov. 9, 2018
See PDF version: Early Head Start Expansion and Early Head Start-Child Care Partnership Grants Frequently Asked Questions (Nov. 9, 2018)
Q: In the section that identifies factors that make a program ineligible to apply (pg. 19) one of the factors is if a program has been chronically under enrolled. If a program were in the category of under enrollment however we met enrollment of 97% or above prior to the 12 month period of time identified by our Region IX office and are now under what is called "maintenance." Does the fact that they are under maintenance for enrollment make their program ineligible to apply or would we be OK to move forward?
A: Head Start or Early Head Start agencies on under-enrollment plans are eligible to apply for this funding opportunity. However, agencies that have completed plans and are officially designated as chronically under-enrolled prior to final funding decisions may be disqualified from funding under this announcement.
Q: Is a public institution of higher education (not a 501-c organization) eligible for this opportunity?
A: Per, eligible applicants include city or township governments, state governments, for-profit organizations other than small businesses, small businesses, Native American tribal governments (federally recognized), private institutions of higher education, nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education, public and state controlled institutions of higher education, nonprofits that do not have a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education, county governments, Independent school districts and public housing authorities/Indian housing authorities.
Q: Is the grant application limited to center based slots or could home based slots be added? In addition, what would be the minimum number of slots that could be requested?
A: Yes, it is allowable for applicants to propose expanding home-based slots for their current EHS program or a new EHS program. The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) does not provide direct guidance or instruction in the development of an applicant’s project design or in writing their applications. Applicants should use their best judgment in determining whether they are able to meet the requirements contained in the funding opportunity announcement (FOA), whether they are able to develop an application they believe to be responsive to the FOA and in designing and writing their applications.
Q: Can you please send more information about the funding opportunity, please?
A: The complete Funding Opportunity Announcement has been posted to all applicants are encouraged to carefully read this document. Also, Section VIII. Other Information lists websites where additional information can be found.
Q: Will applications to support our converting from Home Base services to Center Based programming be considered? Will this funding only fund those counties designated as opportunity zones?
A: The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) does not provide direct guidance or instruction in the development of an applicant’s project design or in writing their applications. Applicants should use their best judgment in determining whether they are able to meet the requirements contained in the funding opportunity announcement (FOA), whether they are able to develop an application they believe to be responsive to the FOA and in designing and writing their applications. Funding under this opportunity is not limited to counties designated as opportunity zones.
Q: Do I understand that requests must be for $750,000 or more? And is there any guidance on the number of slots?
A: Per Section II. Federal Award Information, of the funding opportunity announcement, the award floor is listed at $750,000 per budget period. Which is the minimum amount ACF will award in response to this funding opportunity announcement. You are encouraged to review and Section I. Program Description to determine the minimum number of slots to be requested.
Q: Are Rhode Island non-profits are eligible to apply for the Funding Opportunity listed?
A: Applicants are encouraged to review Section III.I Eligible Applicants of the funding opportunity announcement for additional information on what entities are eligible to apply for funding through this opportunity. Additionally, funding for HHS-2019-ACF-OHS-HP-1386 is allocated by our ACF geographic regions. You are encouraged to review the Appendix section of the funding opportunity announcement that lists the regional allocations.
Q: Do we need to be an already existing Early Head Start program? If there is already one in the area, can we still apply? or is permission from Head Start required? Lastly, there is one county in the region not served by EHS at all, can we still apply there?
A: Per the Executive Summary section of the funding opportunity announcement “New or existing Head Start, EHS, and EHS-CC Partnership grantees can apply to establish or add new traditional EHS slots through Non-Partnership EHS Expansion.”
Q: The company is considered an S corporation though. Would we still be able to apply for Early Head start funds?
A: Applicants are encouraged to review Section III.I Eligible Applicants of the funding opportunity announcement for additional information on what entities are eligible to apply for funding through this opportunity.
Q: We recently overcame an EHS under enrollment plan due to a slow start up, as we had not previously had EHS before. We are also under a Head Start under enrollment plan that ends next month. The funding announcement says that no program can apply that is on a plan. With ours ending next month, would it be worth our time to submit, or will we be tossed out?
A: You are encouraged to review Section V.2 Review and Selection Process of the funding opportunity announcement for information on “Additional review and funding considerations”.
Q: 1 - If an existing Early Head Start program wins an award does it become a part of their on-going regular grant(s) or does this establish a completely different grant cycle and review process, etc.? 2 - Is the funding on-going assuming the grantee meets all regulations and no violations of the Head Start act? 3 - Is there a per child cost cap or limit for any specific Early Head Start model? Specifically, center-based?
A: You are encouraged to review Section II. Federal Award Information in the funding opportunity announcement that speaks to the content of your question. It’s important to note that based on the outcomes of the competition each individual application receives a unique 5 year grant award.
Q: Is an agency allowed to submit 2 expansion applications, 1 for each of our current service areas?
A: While the Office of Head Start cannot advise you on this decision, it’s important to note that based on the outcomes of the competition each individual application receives a unique five-year grant award.
Nov. 20, 2018
See PDF version: Early Head Start Expansion and Early Head Start-Child Care Partnership Grants Frequently Asked Questions (Nov. 20, 2018)
- Q: Can we apply to be an Early Head Start / (CCP) Grantee? Or is this grant only to expand already existing head start grantees? If we apply for the EHS-CCP would our child care site (as Grantee) be eligible as a CC partner and/or Early Head Start program? Can we be both?
A: Per the Executive Summary "New or existing Head Start, EHS, and EHS-CC Partnership grantees can apply to use funding to partner with local child care providers to provide comprehensive, high-quality services to eligible infants and toddlers through EHS-CC Partnerships". Applicants are encouraged to review Section III.1 Eligible Applicants of the funding opportunity announcement for additional information on what entities are eligible to apply for funding through this opportunity". - Q: Are grant applications with request for funding of less than the award floor being considered? If an agency writes for fewer than 72 slots, does the award floor also decrease?
A: Per Section II. Federal Award Information, of the funding opportunity announcement, the award floor is listed at $750,000 per budget period. This is the minimum amount ACF will award in response to this funding opportunity announcement. Additionally, Section I. Program Description of the funding opportunity announcement reads in part "Although ACF is not setting a minimum number of participant slots for which applicants must apply, ACF recommends applicants not currently operating EHS or EHS-CC Partnerships propose no fewer than 72 slots, which may include multiple child care center and/or family child care home partner sites. ACF recognizes that organizations with existing EHS infrastructure to support the necessary services may propose fewer than 72 slots". - Q: If we are a new grantee (never received EHS funding before) - can we apply for a combination of center-based and home-based services?
A: Per the Executive Summary "Through EHS-CC Partnerships, new or existing grantees will partner with local child care centers and/or family child care programs and will leverage current investments through the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) or other sources to improve the quality of infant-toddler child care". - Q: I have a couple of questions. First, the total number of pages for the entire submission is 150 pages. If we don't use all the pages in File 2, can we use additional space in the Project Description in File 1? Second, it says that the application must be double-spaced, but that the line-item budget and/or the budget justification is one of the excluded items excluded from the double-spacing requirement. Is that correct? We will be ok if our budget and justification is single-spaced?
A: Applicants are encouraged to review Section IV.2. Content and Form of Application Submission, Page Limitations and Content for all Submission Formats, Applications must not exceed the 150- page limit for all of the components in the First and Second Files or pages will be removed from the application and will not be reviewed. Additionally, applicants are encouraged to review Early Head Start Expansion and Early Head Start-Child Care Partnership Grants Frequently Asked Questions November 20, 2018 Section IV.2. Content and Form of Application Submission for requirements on line spacing of budget and budget justification. - Q: Can we convert Home-Based slots AND expand?
A: Per the Executive Summary section of the funding opportunity announcement, this funding is for either Early Head Start Expansion or Early Head Start Child Care Partnership. These funds should not be used for slot conversion. - Q: Four questions regarding FOA 1. Is this grant funding awarded annually? 2. If we apply this year and do not receive grant funding, may we reapply next year? 3. If awarded funding, could the funding cover TWO EHS-CC locations in our district? (we understand that the grant proposal would need to reflect this need) 4. If not, could we begin our EHS-CC programming in one location (for which we currently have temporary space available) and then transition the programming to a different location (after a bond issue allows us to build a child care facility on a different district campus)?
A: Per Section II. Federal Award Information of the funding opportunity announcement, funding awarded as a result of this competition is available annually for a five year period. Given this funding is made available through annual congressional appropriations we do not know if a similar grant opportunity will be available in future years. With respect to your remaining questions The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) does not provide direct guidance or instruction in the development of an applicant’s project design or in writing their applications. Applicants should use their best judgment in determining whether they are able to meet the requirements contained in the funding opportunity announcement (FOA), whether they are able to develop an application they believe to be responsive to the FOA and in designing and writing their applications. - Q: Can we submit a grant to get help paying for the employee’s time?
A: Per the Executive Summary section of the funding opportunity announcement "The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) announces the availability of approximately $140 million to be competitively awarded for the purpose of expanding access to high-quality, comprehensive early learning services for low-income infants and toddlers and their families". Therefore funding cannot be limited to compensation of employee’s time for medical services. - Q: Three questions regarding FOA: 1. I wanted to confirm if the Board of Directors Attestation Letter is required for new applicants? 2. Page two of the FOA states that "entities must submit only one application per service area". By service area, are you referring to the service or target community? Or does this mean that we cannot apply for multiple communities in one application? Are applicants only allowed to target one community (service area)? 3. We would Early Head Start Expansion and Early Head Start-Child Care Partnership Grants Frequently Asked Questions November 20, 2018 apply as a Non-Partnership EHS Expansion provider, do we still need to have MOUs/Third Party Agreements? Or are these components required?
A: Per Section IV.2. Content and Form of Application Submission, Required Forms, Assurances, and Certifications, "Submission is strongly encouraged for any applicants who collaborate with an external grant-writer, consultant and/or contractor for assistance and/or support on their application submission. The assurance may be submitted with the application package". While funding under this opportunity is allocated by geographic region, service areas are the areas in which the applicant is proposing to serve for which the grant is offering. - Q: The announcement module mentions that an applicant will be disqualified for applying above the award ceiling, however, it does not make mention that an applicant will be disqualified for applying under the award floor. I wanted to make sure that this is the case. As an existing EHS grantee, we can add EHS expansion slots which would be supported under our existing infrastructure?
A: Applicants are encouraged to review Section III.3 Other, Application Disqualification Factors. Per the funding opportunity announcement, applying under the award floor is not a disqualification factor.
Nov. 29, 2018
See PDF version: Early Head Start Expansion and Early Head Start-Child Care Partnership Grants Frequently Asked Questions (Nov. 29, 2018)
Q: Does the floor amount of this opportunity include the 2.5% T/TA costs or if we T/TA should be in addition to the $750,000 floor amount?
A: Per Section II. Federal Award Information, “In addition to base funding, applicants should request an additional 2.5 percent of the base funding for training and technical assistance (T/TA) funding”.
Q: Do start up budgets have a match requirement?
A: Start-up funds, if awarded are subject to the non-federal share match requirement.
Q: Will accept two application from an agency using the same Duns#? How will the system know that they are two different grants if we use the same Duns#?
A: Per the Executive Summary, General Information for All Applicants section of the funding opportunity announcement “applicant entities may submit only one application per service area, regardless of how they choose to apply. ACF will review only one application for a service area from any applicant”.
Q: Is the format, landscape, acceptable for the budget?
A: Applicants are encouraged to review Section IV.2 Content and Form of Application Submission to determine what requirements are to be followed when creating an application.
Q: At the top of page 21 of the RAF it states only (2) electronic files, excluding Standard Forms and OMB-approved forms shall be uploaded. Under which of these mandatory forms do I upload File 1 and File 2?
A: Applicants are encouraged to review Section IV.2. Content and Form of Application Submission, PAGE LIMITATIONS AND CONTENT FOR ALL SUBMISSION FORMATS to determine which documents should be included in Files 1 and 2.
Q: Are there standard questions that need answered for this grant or are there specific questions I am not finding.
A: Please note, the complete Funding Opportunity Announcement has been posted to All applicants are encouraged to carefully read this document, including Section IV.2 Content and Form of Application Submission, the Project Description. This section communicates all the information applicants are required to submit in response to this announcement.
Nov. 30, 2018
See PDF version: Early Head Start Expansion and Early Head Start-Child Care Partnership Grants Frequently Asked Questions (Nov. 30, 2018)
Q: Will accept two application from an agency using the same Duns#? For example, we are hoping to apply for funding in both Region 8 and Region 9, but wanted to ensure that the grant system would allow for the submission. My understanding is that the grant that is dated last will be the one that is reviewed. How will the system know that they are two different grants if we use the same Duns#?
A: Per the Executive Summary, General Information for All Applicants section of the funding opportunity announcement “applicant entities may submit only one application per service area, regardless of how they choose to apply. The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) will review only one application for a service area from any applicant."
Q: At the top of page 21 of the RAF it states only two (2) electronic files, excluding Standard Forms and OMB-approved forms shall be uploaded. I created a Workspace in Grants.Gov for completing and submitting the grant proposal. Please see the attached Workspace mandatory forms. Under which of these mandatory forms do I upload File 1 and File 2? It, as you can see, requires Project/Performance Site Locations and Project narrative Attachment Form, which I believe are both in File 1 but after talking with the Help Desk at Grants.Gov all mandatory files must be uploaded before allowing me to submit the proposal.
A: Per Section IV.2 Content and Form of Application Submission, Adherence to the Two-File Requirement, "SFs and OMB-approved forms will not be considered additional files." These files may be uploaded to separately from the First and Second Files.
Q: We are seeking some guidance and clarification on the following requested documents/appendices in File 2 requested under the above referenced FOA: * Is the attached form adequate for 501C3 certificate of good standing? Or what is required? * What specific procedures regarding fiscal control & accountability are required? * What is being requested by "compliance with federal/state/local government standards?" * Is there further guidance on what is required for oversight of federal awards? * Are the 6th–8th requests under Organizational Capacity docs seeking policies and procedures, other forms, or narrative descriptions?
A: ACF does not provide direct guidance or instruction in the development of an applicant’s project design or in writing their applications. Applicants should use their best judgment in determining whether they are able to meet the requirements contained in the funding opportunity announcement (FOA), whether they are able to develop an application they believe to be responsive to the FOA and in designing and writing their applications. Applications will be reviewed and evaluated by objective review panels using the criteria described in Section V.1. of the FOA. The review panels will use the FOA as their principal guidance available to them in the same way that it is the principal guidance for applicants.
Q: I have a question regarding two items in the FOA for EHS Expansion, page 25. Two items are listed as required in the appendices: 1. Oversight of Federal Awards 2. Protection of Sensitive and/or Confidential Information My question is exactly what you are expecting for those two items.
A: ACF does not provide direct guidance or instruction in the development of an applicant’s project design or in writing their applications. Applicants should use their best judgment in determining whether they are able to meet the requirements contained in the FOA, whether they are able to develop an application they believe to be responsive to the FOA and in designing and writing their applications. Applications will be reviewed and evaluated by objective review panels using the criteria described in Section V.1. of the FOA. The review panels will use the FOA as their principal guidance available to them in the same way that it is the principal guidance for applicants.
Q: I am currently working on the Key Contacts form, which the instructions indicate requires Key Management Staff, Key Program Staff and the Board Chairperson. For us, this would be at least 5 individuals. However, the form allows for only 4 entries. Can you clarify who it would be appropriate for us to eliminate from the list? Or provide guidance on how we can add additional contacts?
A: ACF does not provide direct guidance or instruction in the development of an applicant’s project design or in writing their applications. Applicants should use their best judgment in determining whether they are able to meet the requirements contained in the FOA, whether they are able to develop an application they believe to be responsive to the FOA and in designing and writing their applications. Applications will be reviewed and evaluated by objective review panels using the criteria described in Section V.1. of the FOA. The review panels will use the FOA as their principal guidance available to them in the same way that it is the principal guidance for applicants.
Q: I have a question about project/performance site locations on this grant. We are a shared services alliance so we don't actually deliver childcare ourselves. We have 6 centers who are planning to be partner sites. Do I put our shared service alliance as the primary site and then add the 6 centers as other locations?
A: ACF does not provide direct guidance or instruction in the development of an applicant’s project design or in writing their applications.
Q: I have a question about the above Project Performance Site Locations form required on the ACF application: our project will cover three (3) different Congressional Districts and there's only space for one. I attached a doc to the completed SF-424 providing the additional District #s - will the reviewer know to refer back to that form?
A: Yes, the non-federal reviewers will have access to the additional document uploaded as part of the SF-424.
Q: In the RFP we are to upload only 2 files, where do each (File #1 and File #2) go? Does File #1 go under Project Narrative Attachment Form and File #2 go under Other Attachments? Or do both files go under the Project Narrative File? If so, will we be disqualified if we don't upload anything to Other Attachments?
A: You are encouraged to contact the help desk at: 1-800-518-4726 or
Q: Where on the SF-424 form should start-up in-kind be added? At the same time the program staff are thinking of submitting a waiver for the start-up in-kind. Should the start-up still be entered in the SF-424 and where or should a remark be added about start-up in-kind (waived)?
A: ACF does not provide direct guidance or instruction in the development of an applicant’s project design or in writing their applications. Applicants should use their best judgment in determining whether they are able to meet the requirements contained in the FOA, whether they are able to develop an application they believe to be responsive to the FOA and in designing and writing their applications. Applications will be reviewed and evaluated by objective review panels using the criteria described in Section V.1. of the FOA. The review panels will use the FOA as their principal guidance available to them in the same way that it is the principal guidance for applicants.
Q: As noted in the FOA for HHS-2019-ACF-OHS-HP-1386, "Prospective applicants will also have the opportunity to send questions to OHS by e-mail at A summary of the questions and OHS responses will be posted for public view on the applicant support website as soon as they become available." I would like to request a summary of the questions submitted to OHS and the OHS responses, as well as the web address of the "Applicant Support Website"
A: The requested information is available on the Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center's webpage at:
Q: I was told by a Head Start/Early Head Start grantee that OHS will only be funding center-based services, not home-based, with these funds. Is that correct?
A: Applicants may propose to provide center-based and/or home-based services through the Early Head Start Expansion/Early Head Start-Child Care Partnership funding opportunity announcement.
Q: I do not know where to upload the Start-up budget . Also have a question about Admin overhead.
A: Per Section II. Federal Award Information of the funding opportunity announcement, "If requested, applicants must provide a separate budget for start-up/pre-award costs, in addition to a 12-month budget for the base funding awarded, within the page limitations stated for The Project Budget and Budget Justification in Section IV.2. Content and Form of Application Submission."
Q: When completing the SF-424A (Budget Information for Non-Construction Programs), our application includes a startup/pre-award funding request in Section B, Item G, Construction. Because we include a funding request here, do we need to complete the SF-424C (Budget Information for Construction Programs) and the SF-424D (Assurances for Construction Programs)?
A: Per Section IV.2. Content and Form of Application Submission, Required Forms, Assurances, and Certifications, the submission of the SF-424A, ASF-424B, SF-424C, and SF-424D is required for all applicants when applying for both non-construction and construction activities under the proposed project.
Q: We are preparing an application for the FOA #HHS-2019-ACF-OHS-HP-1386 which is due this Friday, and we have a questions about the 424 forms. We are requesting start-up/pre-award costs that involve renovations aka construction activities to a facility, but pg 15 of 69 of the FOA states that start-up/pre-award costs must be separate on the 424: Estimates for start-up/pre-award costs must be separately identified on the SF-424, Application for Federal Assistance, and in the Budget and Budget Justification section of the application. The start-up/pre-award funding amount must not be included in the funding amount listed on Line 18a (Federal) of the SF-424. The funding amount listed in Line 18a of the SF-424 must represent only the total annual federal funding the applicant is requesting for base and T/TA funding. Start-up/pre-award costs, if requested, should be included only on the Other Estimated Funding line (Line 18e) and clearly labeled as "Start-up/Pre-Award Costs" in a separate line item on the SF-424A, Budget Information Non-Construction Programs. Additionally, if applicants are requesting start-up/pre-award costs, these costs must be easily identified as a separate budget in the Budget and Budget Justification section of the application. Also, page 28 of the FOA states that projects including both non-construction and construction activities must submit the 424 A, B, C and D. We completed the 424 and 424 A according to the above directions, placing the start-up costs separate in the other column. The real question is...since these start-up costs just so happen to be construction, does that mean we need to complete the 424c and D? If we are not awarded the start-up pre-award cost, then there are no construction activities in the base and T/TA funding meaning we do not need to complete the 424 C and D, but if we are awarded the start-up/pre-award, then there are construction activities. The situation is arising because of the nature of our start-up/pre-award request.
A: Per Section IV.2. Content and Form of Application Submission, Required Forms, Assurances, and Certifications, the submission of the SF-424A, ASF-424B, SF-424C, and SF-424D is required for all applicants when applying for both non-construction and construction activities under the proposed project.
Q: I am trying to open a daycare center and I was looking for funding opportunities to help with the cost of opening it up. I just want to make sure this is the correct grant to apply for.
A: Per the Executive Summary, the purpose of this funding opportunity is to expand access to high-quality, comprehensive early learning services for low-income infants and toddlers and their families. New or existing Head Start, EHS, and EHS-CC Partnership grantees can apply to establish or add new traditional EHS slots through Non-Partnership EHS Expansion. Non-Partnership EHS Expansion grantees will also provide early, continuous, intensive and comprehensive child development and family support services that will enhance the physical, social, emotional, and intellectual development of participating children; support parents' efforts to fulfill their parental roles; and help parents move toward self-sufficiency.
Q: I am trying to get more information on how to name the files for the FOA HHS-2019-ACF-OHS-HP-1386. The information I have found is all the general naming conventions (50 characters, the UTF-8 special characters, etc.) but not the specific guidance on what to name each file and the forms that need uploaded. Are there additional requirements or are we just to follow the general naming conventions?
A: Per Section IV.2. Content and Form of Application Submission, Naming Application Submission Files of the funding opportunity announcement, “Carefully observe the file naming conventions required by Limit file names to 50 characters (characters and spaces). Special characters that are allowed under’s naming conventions, and are accommodated by ACF’s systems, are listed in the instructions available in the Download Application Package at Please also see”
Dec. 4, 2018
See PDF version: Early Head Start Expansion and Early Head Start-Child Care Partnership Grants Frequently Asked Questions (Dec. 4, 2018)
Q: Upon review in, it was determined that the page numbers did not save on the second file, and were not saved on the index. Also, the Abstract did not transfer. Is there any way to add these items to the application?
A: As the deadline for application submission for this funding opportunity has closed, we are unable to accept amendments to applications.
Q: Would it be possible to re-upload the Project Narrative in its entirety?
A: As the deadline for application submission for this funding opportunity has closed we are unable to accept amendments to applications.
Q: Since it is past deadline, could I request to add two pages or not?
A: As the deadline for application submission for this funding opportunity has closed we are unable to accept amendments to applications.
Q: If we need the minutes from the School Board meeting can we upload them later with the grant.
A: As the deadline for application submission for this funding opportunity has closed we are unable to accept amendments to applications.
Q: Is there any way to check to insure documents were received correctly?
A: All questions related to the submission and uploading of documents to should be routed directly to *Please note* is a federal agency independent of the Office of Head Start.
Q: Since the application has closed, is there a way we can make sure our attachments were uploaded as well as ensure the correct forms were uploaded?
A: All questions related to the submission and uploading of documents to should be routed directly to *Please note* is a federal agency independent of the Office of Head Start.
Q: If possible will I be able to know the next dates this grant will be offered.
A: You are encouraged to sign up for email notifications regarding new grant opportunities. To do so, you may visit the Manage Subscriptions portion of, available at the following link:
Oct. 2, 2019
See PDF version: Frequently Asked Questions (Oct. 2, 2019)
Q: When will the Early Head Start Expansion grants be available for any service area?
A: If funding is appropriated for Early Head Start Expansion, the Office of Head Start would make public its plans for posting the competition via You are encouraged to sign up for email notifications regarding new grant opportunities. To do so, you may visit the Manage Subscriptions portion of, available at the following link:
Q: Are Funding Opportunity Announcements only posted via or will OHS be sending out email blasts about FOAs? Are these FOAs for EHS expansion in all States or only for certain areas?
A: The funding opportunity announcements are not only posted via but they are also posted on the Office of Head Start’s Home page on the Administration for Children and Families website. Funding awarded through the Early Head Start Expansion opportunities are for the service areas designated in the announcement.
Q: Early Head Start Expansion - what is the funding opportunity number?
A: All of the current Early Head Start Expansion and Early Head Start-Child Care Partnerships are posted to, as well as the Administration for Children and Families website on the Office of Head Start
Q: Is it a requirement to serve pregnant women in this expansion?
A: While services for pregnant women are not required, pregnant women are eligible participants for Early Head Start Expansion and Early Head Start-Child Care Partnerships competitions.
Q: If the FOA lists a specific city as the service area, does this include the entire county in which that city is found (if that is the desired service area), or only the zip codes, or residents, within that city’s geographic limits? The Funding Opportunity Announcement is for Early Head Start Expansion and Early Head Start – Child Care Partnership Grants – The City of Shelby, North Carolina. The Funding Opportunity Number is HHS-2020-ACF-OHS-R04-1697.
A: Funding awarded through this opportunity must be used to provide Head Start and/or Early Head Start services within the service area designated in the announcement. You are encouraged to review the service area specific details listed on page 2 of the FOA.
Oct. 2, 2019
See PDF version: Frequently Asked Questions (Oct. 2, 2019)
Q: HHS-2020-ACF-OHS-CM-R12-1730 pages 26 & 47 as stated in the Announcement, Migrant & Seasonal programs were created to serve working families. As a result they do not typically use the home-based option (using Home Visitors) or formally enroll pregnant women since typically parents are in the field working thus this option does not best meet the needs of the Migrant and Seasonal children and families. Page 26 asks applicants to describe how they will deliver services to enrolled pregnant women post-pregnancy, and how the newborn infant and family will transition into the appropriate program option. Additionally, V.1. Criteria 2. Achieving Early Learning & Development Outcomes to Promote School Readiness for Children - Maximum Points 30 includes this criterion: The system proposed to deliver services to enrolled pregnant women post-pregnancy, and how the newborn infant and family will transition into the appropriate program option at the appropriate time; and how the program will support transitions from MSHS to public and community-based school settings. Will applicants indeed be scored on enrolling pregnant women into the home-base option for this Migrant & Seasonal application?
A: The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) does not provide direct guidance or instruction in the development of an applicant’s project design or in writing their applications. Applicants should use their best judgment in determining whether they are able to meet the requirements contained in the funding opportunity announcement (FOA), whether they are able to develop an application they believe to be responsive to the FOA and in designing and writing their applications. Applications will be reviewed and evaluated by objective review panels using the criteria described in Section V.1. Criteria of the FOA. The review panels will use the FOA as their principal guidance available to them in the same way that it is the principal guidance for applicants.
Nov. 9, 2018
See PDF version: American Indian and Alaska Native Early Head Start Expansion and Early Head Start-Child Care Partnership Grants Frequently Asked Questions (Nov. 9, 2018)
Q: Is construction allowed and is there a cap on construction?
A: Yes, construction projects are allowed. You are encouraged to review Section IV.2 Content and Form of Application Submission, Project Description, to ensure the requirements of the application are met in regard to construction projects, specifically, the SF-424C.
Nov. 20, 2018
- Q: The RFP states that nonprofits (along with other orgs) are eligible, but later states that grants have been awarded to numerous tribes and states. Can you please clarify?
A: Per the grant’s forecast both nonprofits, tribal organizations, and additional organizational types are all eligible.
- Q: Do I submit this as a 1 or 5 year grant? For the first and Second files, under what section do I submit those?
A: Per Section II. Federal Award Information, Applicants must submit an annual (12-month) budget. While your question is unclear, all questions related to uploading files should be directed to *Please note* is an agency independent of the Office of Head Start.
See PDF version: Pre-Application Webinar for National Training and Technical Assistance (T/TA) Centers
Q. Does Head Start offer grants to local business owners?
A. Interested entities are encouraged to review Section III.1 Eligible Applicants to determine if they qualify for funding under this opportunity.
Q. Could you define and distinguish "partners" and "sub-recipients"?
A. A partner is a non-federal entity that has the shared responsibility with the awarding agency to carry out the federal program. A sub-recipient is a non-federal entity that receives a sub-award from a pass-through entity to carry out part of a federal program; it does not include an individual that is a beneficiary of such program. A sub-recipient may also be a recipient of other federal awards directly from a federal awarding agency.
Q. Are there incumbent grantees presently managing Centers already in existence with contract terms about to expire or are the Centers new initiatives?
A. Currently, there are incumbent grantees managing each of the Office of Head Start (OHS) National Centers.
Q. How much time should be allotted to determine that the submission has been validated by (i.e., how many days before the final due date would you advise the application be submitted to allow time for validation)?
A. Applicants are encouraged to visit for information on the submission and validation process.
Q. Please clarify whether we should we organize our project description in the order of the criteria as listed in Section V.1.
A. The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) does not provide direct guidance or instruction in the development of an applicant's project design or in writing their applications. Applicants should use their best judgment in determining whether they are able to meet the requirements contained in the funding opportunity announcement (FOA), whether they are able to develop an application they believe to be responsive to the FOA, and in designing and writing their applications.
HHS-2020-ACF-OHS-HC-1826 National Center on Parent, Family and Community Engagement (NCPFCE)
Q. Do you have any suggestions on how we should balance the magnitude of the goals and framework into a manageable and feasible "project summary" or project description?
A. ACF does not provide direct guidance or instruction in the development of an applicant's project design or in writing their applications. Applicants should use their best judgment in determining whether they are able to meet the requirements contained in the FOA, whether they are able to develop an application they believe to be responsive to the FOA, and in designing and writing their applications.
Q. Should the description be encompassing to all Head Start and Early Head Start programs across the country or targeted to specified populations in certain geographic regions?
A. ACF does not provide direct guidance or instruction in the development of an applicant's project design or in writing their applications. Applicants should use their best judgment in determining whether they are able to meet the requirements contained in the FOA, whether they are able to develop an application they believe to be responsive to the FOA, and in designing and writing their applications.
HHS-2020-ACF-OHS-HC-1827 National Center on Program Management and Fiscal Operations (NCPMFO)
Q. The request for proposal (RFP) indicates that "sub-awards must generally be awarded competitively." Are current National Centers required to conduct a competitive process for sub-recipients if they have a current, pre-existing sub-recipient relationship?
A. ACF does not provide direct guidance or instruction in the development of an applicant's project design or in writing their applications. Applicants should use their best judgment in determining whether they are able to meet the requirements contained in the FOA, whether they are able to develop an application they believe to be responsive to the FOA, and in designing and writing their applications.
Q. In the RFP, it stipulates that applicants must submit Third-Party Agreements with their sub-recipients; Third-Party Agreements are defined as memoranda of understanding (MOUs) and Letters of Commitment. In one instance, the RFP stipulates that applicants must submit MOUs and Letters of Commitment; in another instance, it stipulates MOUs or Letters of Commitment? Please clarify. Are both required?
A. Per Section IV.2 The Project Description, Third-Party Agreements, applicants must provide Letters of Commitment or MOUs between recipients and third parties.
Q. How many NCPMFO-hosted professional development events are required and must be included in the NCPMFO budget?
A. Per Section I Program Description, NCPMFO is required to propose one national professional development event.
Q. In the RFP budget guidance, applicants are directed: "Travel by non-employees such as consultants, contractors, or sub-recipients should be included under the Contractual line item." Then, on the next page (under Contractual), applicants are directed: "Costs related to individual consultants should be listed on the Other line." Please clarify where costs, including travel costs, related to sub-recipients and consultants should be included.
A. Per Section IV.2 Content and Form of Application Submission, The Project Budget and Budget Justification, Travel of the FOA, entering these costs under either line item is acceptable.
HHS-2020-ACF-OHS-HC-1828 National Center on Early Childhood Development, Teaching, and Learning (NCECDTL)
Q. Do references count towards page limits?
A. Applicants are encouraged to carefully review Section IV.2 Content and Form of Application Submission, Page Limitations, and Content for all submission formats.
Q. Unlike a vendor providing a quote for a commercial service, proposed sub-recipients will provide substantial collaboration on project scope and direction. Because sub-recipient participants were engaged at the onset of the proposal development via teaming agreements, their intellectual input is integrated in the overall work proposed; there really is no opportunity to compete discrete portions of the work to be performed by the sub-recipients. Can non-competitive source justifications be provided in lieu of competing sub-recipient work?
A. ACF does not provide direct guidance or instruction in the development of an applicant's project design or in writing their applications. Applicants should use their best judgment in determining whether they are able to meet the requirements contained in the FOA, whether they are able to develop an application they believe to be responsive to the FOA, and in designing and writing their applications.
Q. The RFP mentions that the learning management system (LMS) and Coaching Companion are "hosted by OHS" (pg. 28). Does this imply that OHS manages the servers that host the software and there are technical staff at OHS that the NCECDTL would interface with to request bug fixes or features if underlying operational systems and source code require updates? Would the NCECDTL be expected to do any software development on these web applications?
A. Per Section I. Program Description, the LMS is an online, cloud-based learning management system on the Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC) website created to support ongoing professional development in Head Start and Early Head Start.
The Coaching Companion is a web-based platform on the ECLKC website that supports practice-based, individualized, and collaborative coaching to enhance teaching and home visiting practices. NCECDTL will be responsible for quality oversight, software updates, and ongoing maintenance.
Q. The RFP mentions conducting/managing "software updates" (for LMS and mobile apps), "maintenance" (for LMS and mobile apps), "administration" (for LMS, web-based Coaching Companion, and mobile apps), and "architecture" (for LMS). Do these terms refer to updates to content in the software systems (e.g., fixing broken links in content) and information architecture (i.e., organization of the content), or does it imply that the Center would be expected to update operational systems hosted by OHS or do software development to (for example) create software updates?
A. NCECDTL will be responsible for all aspects of existing mobile applications, including quality oversight, administration, ongoing maintenance, and ongoing development of educational content.
Q. Does the single-spacing allowance also apply to figures and exhibits in general?
A. Applicants are encouraged to carefully review the requirements in Section IV.2 Content and Form of Application Submission, Application Elements Exempted from Double Spacing Requirements.
Q. Does the font size allowance also apply to tables and figures?
A. Applicants are encouraged to carefully review the requirements in Section IV.2 Content and Form of Application Submission, Accepted Font Style.
Q. I'd like to confirm the total award amount for each Center. For instance, the Center on Teaching and Learning indicates $10.5 million per budget period and there are five 12-month budget periods. We interpret this to mean there is $51 million allocated for this center over five years. Is that correct? Or is it only $10.5 million allocated for five years?
A. Per Section II. Federal Award Information, the "average projected award amount is $10.2 million per budget period." Further, the budget period is defined as a 12-month period.
HHS-2020-ACF-OHS-HC-1829 National Center on Health, Behavioral Health, and Safety (NCHBHS)
Q. The in-person meeting for year one—with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) playing a part in this task, should proposals include an in-person version of this task only or also include a virtual option? Or will this task be moved to year two in light of what we are facing?
A. No adjustments to the expectations described in this FOA have been made in response to COVID-19.
Q. Are we able to use endnotes, which allows for a number in the narrative, and then provide a list of footnote citations by number separately?
A. ACF does not provide direct guidance or instruction in the development of an applicant's project design or in writing their applications. You are strongly encouraged to carefully review the guidance found in Section IV.2 Content and Form of Application Submission. OHS cannot provide additional guidance beyond what is stated in the FOA.
Last Updated: September 6, 2024